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7 de Dezembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Mageia é um fork do Mandriva Linux, apoiada por uma organização sem fins lucrativos reconhecida e colaboradores eleitos. Mais do que apenas oferecer um sistema operacional livre, seguro, estável e sustentável, o objetivo é a criação de uma administração estável e confiável para orientar projetos colaborativos.

Este blog é alimentado pela comunidade aqui na rede e pelo feed do Planet Mageia English.

Mageia Blog (English) : Mageia 7 RC released for testing

2 de Junho de 2019, 11:04, por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda

The Mageia Community is very happy to announce what will hopefully be the last release before Mageia 7 is final. We all hope that this release builds on the quality of the previous beta releases.
The release process so far has been smooth so we all hope that there are no new release critical bugs found here and that we can get Mageia 7 out into the wild shortly!

If you want to get involved with the final stage of testing, the ISO’s are available to download directly, and by torrent here.

Here are a few release highlights and package versions:

  • kernel 5.1.5
  • rpm 4.14.2
  • dnf 4.2.6
  • Mesa 19.1
  • Plasma 5.15.4
  • GNOME 3.32
  • Xfce 4.12
  • Firefox 67
  • Chromium 73
  • LibreOffice 6.2.3

More details about what is coming in Mageia 7 are available here.

Assuming that this release candidate doesn’t have any critical bugs, the final release ISO’s can be built, targeting final release in roughly a week or two.

We hope that the release works well for you, but if there are issues please report them to our bugzilla so that we can get around to sorting them for release. If you want to get involved in ISO testing, package or any other aspect of Mageia, there is lots of information here.

A huge hand to all of the people involved with getting this release out of the door, and to all of the testers for giving us the feedback that we have needed to get this release ready.

Juan Luis Baptiste : New docker images for upcoming mageia 7

21 de Maio de 2019, 0:51, por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda

I have added new docker images for the upcoming mageia 7 release. Thanks to the latest work on our image build tools, the images are available in all architectures mageia 7 supports:

  • x86_64
  • armv7hl
  • aarch64
The images are based on mageia 7 beta3, and will be periodically updated when new releases are available.

Juan Luis Baptiste : armv7hl support for mageia docker official images

11 de Maio de 2019, 0:09, por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda

After some months of on and off work with @Conan-Kudo on improving mageia's docker images build tools to support multi-arch builds, we finally were able to add armv7hl support to mageia 6.

Usage is completely transparent to the user, when pulling the image, the docker daemon will take care to download the correct image according to the host server architecture.

Also, now that our build tools support multiarch builds, the moment mageia 7 is available armv8 images will be available too, at the same time of the x86_64 image.

We are also working on having a periodically updated cauldron build, but we are still working on that. With the latest changes to the build tools it should be easier to automate a cauldron build for example, a weekly or daily.

Mageia Blog (English) : Announcing Mageia 7 Beta 3

17 de Abril de 2019, 9:33, por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda

Everyone at Mageia is very happy to get the final beta release before Mageia 7 out for testing! We all hope that this release builds on the quality of the previous two beta releases and that with the extra tests from the community will put Mageia 7 in a good place for the coming release candidate.

There is still lots to be done before the final release, and the more tests that we can get, the better. There have been large updates to Qt and Plasma, as well as some other key components since beta 2, with the new artwork for Mageia 7 almost ready for integration too.

The ISO’s will be available to download directly, and by torrent here.

Here are a few release highlights and package versions:

  • kernel 5.0.7
  • rpm 4.14.2
  • Plasma 5.15.4
  • GNOME 3.32
  • Xfce 4.12
  • Firefox 66
  • Chromium 73
  • LibreOffice 6.2.2

More details about what is coming in Mageia 7 are available here.

The next step in the release will be the version freeze, where no new versions of packages are allowed without a valid exception, this will likely happen around April 23rd. Once this has happened, the release candidate builds will begin, targetting release around May 6th-12th. This will be followed by the release freeze, where no new package updates will be allowed unless to fix a release-critical issue. This will happen about a week after the release candidate release. Finally, the final release ISO’s can be built, targetting final release around the end of May depending on how long it takes to get a release quality ISO.

We hope that the release works well for you, but if there are issues please report them to our bugzilla so that we can get around to sorting them for release. If you want to get involved in ISO testing, package or any other aspect of Mageia, there is lots of information here.

A huge hand to all of the people involved with getting this release out of the door, and to all of the testers for giving us the feedback that we need to get Mageia 7 ready.

Olav Vitters : Fanless NUC

16 de Abril de 2019, 21:24, por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda

My newly built fanless was nice, but I could still hear my NUC if listened closely. During my investigations I noticed the fanless cases from Akasa, including replacement cases for various NUC motherboards/kits. After wondering  if I maybe shouldn’t replace my NUC I eventually decided to just buy a new fanless case for my existing NUC. The reasoning was quite simple, the Akasa case was 51.96 EUR including shipping. Any other solution would probably be much more expensive.

I didn’t monitor the temperature change too closely. It seems the fanless case keeps my CPU at least 10 degrees Celsius cooler than the Intel case. As the Akasa case is entirely metal it’ll ruin the WiFi/Bluetooth reception. The case does have the option to install an external WiFi antenna, but it doesn’t include the proper wire to do that. I’ve bought that from AliExpress for 5.72 EUR.

The next thing I want to replace is my current mouse. The mouse wheel has been giving issues since forever and the mouse gives off a light. I tried investigating the best possible replacement but there’s too many options. Plus it’s difficult to easily filter out the irrelevant options. Eventually I noticed a fairly cheap somewhat silent Logitech mouse. A quieter mouse fits with my fanless cases so I bought that. The website said it does next-day arrival.. it didn’t arrive the next day.

Tags deste artigo: mageia