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Mageia Blog (English) : Weekly roundup 2018, Week 11 and CLT!

19 de Março de 2018, 11:09 , por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Very small Roundup this week, so there will be space for the CLT report and pics – thanks Marc for writing this up!

Loads of updates through; as always, you can check for yourself on Mageia Advisories, the Mageia AppDBPkgSubmit to see the last 48 hours, and Bugzilla to see what’s currently happening.

Review of Chemnitzer Linux Days 2018

As mentioned in a previous posting, we have been to CLT – now we’re back from Chemnitz and looking back on an amazing event.

We were there with four attendees at the booth, and we welcomed a lot of nice and friendly people, and had some interesting discussions. We brought back some insights from users from outside our channels: some of them reported rock stable updates and also installation of old hardware without any issues. This deserves a big thank-you to our packagers and QA, which are testing updates and isos also on very old hardware, which is honoured by the users.

However there is also some not-so-good news: we are not as well known in Germany as we would like to be. There are still a lot of people who know Ubuntu, RedHat, Fedora etc, some of them still know Mandriva from previous times, but the young people even did not know our ancestors. So what we can do to increase our degree of popularity?

Nevertheless we would like to thank the CLT team  for this perfectly organised event (the exhibitors call it “Chemnitzer Catering Days (with Linux talks)”), the interesting talks and the opportunity to show our great distribution. See you next year…


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