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Mageia Blog (English) : Server outage

19 de Dezembro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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From sysadmin team

Last night, around 00:40 CET, the main server of, which still hosts some of the mageia services, suffered from serious I/O problems on the boot volume of the raid array. One of the admins decided to reboot it hoping this could solve the problem, but the server was not able to start up and the various remote control systems (serial cable, admin card) are not sufficient to solve this problem. admins have contacted Lost Oasis (who offers hosting to Mageia and to find a solution. Since the servers are in south of France, few people of the team can access it without a long travel.

We have no ETA to give for now. The known impacted services are:

  • some of the mailing lists (at least mageia-dev, mageia-discuss and some others)
  • the main website (
  • the old wiki (new one on is fine).

The build system as well as all other websites are working fine. All data is safe on a backup on another server, but without physical access and spare drives we cannot do much for the server.

Feel free to ask on IRC (#mageia or #mageia-dev on if you have any questions. We will update this post as soon as we have more information.


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