We are going to make some upgrades in our data center in Marseille from this Wednesday to Thursday (February 1st and 2nd).
As a consequence, some servers will be offline and the following services will be impacted for that period of time (likely unavailable): LDAP, build system, SVN repositories, Bugzilla (read-only), @mageia.org mail aliases, mailing-lists managed by sympa (@ml.mageia.org), Wiki (read-only), forums (read-only)
So, expect not to be able to use our services for those two full days. This blog, the main Web site and other mailing-lists managed by mailman (@mageia.org) will still be available.
In the meantime, in our Marseille data center, 4 of our sysadmin team (dams, boklm, rtp and misc in this case) will do nothing less than:
- upgrade servers to Mageia 1,
- replace broken HDD (smart errors on 4 disks) with new brand WD RE4,
- add 1 SSD in each build node for packaging and add 2 HDD (raid1) for the system,
- install our ARM build system “homemade”: we will upload pictures of it,
- install a dedicated server for backups, fiona, with more than 3TB in raid5,
- install a dedicated server for QA and packagers: dual AMD 6-core, 32GB of RAM, 2x300GB (SAS 15k) in raid0 .
All hardware purchased thanks to what Mageia.Org received from so many donators.
Thank you again!
This is quite a short notice, we apologize for this. Thank you for your comprehension (and please spread the info to your list/team if relevant).
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