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Mageia Blog (English) : Revised release schedule for Mageia 2

5 de Abril de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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After some discussions between the Mageia Council and the Packagers’ team, we’ve decided to make some changes to the Mageia 2 release schedule.

There are a couple of reasons for this, the main one being that we feel that the list of important bugs still remaining to be solved needs more time and attention before we release.

The bugs mostly relate to the systemd/dracut migration, and changes needed in the installer and drakxtools.

While we’re working on these bugs, our artwork and documentation and i18n teams will have a little longer to get everything polished and as near perfect as possible; we hope you’ll be pleased with the result!

We think you’ll agree that it’s more important to have Mageia  stable, than to stick to the original release date.

Because we want to deliver the best-quality Mageia 2 release, we’re adding a third beta release, and pushing back the dates for the release candidate and the final release:

  • Beta 3, April 14th 2012:
    • we’ll be relying on everybody to test this release thoroughly, so we can find and fix as many bugs as possible
  • Release  Candidate, May 2nd 2012:
    • this should have already achieved final release quality, and it will be the last chance for us to find and fix bugs before the final release,
  • Mageia 2 final stable release, May 15th, at last.
    • Enjoy and celebrate!


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