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Mageia Blog (English) : Protect the Internet, say no to SOPA

18 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 76 vezes

Mageia joins the anti-SOPA online strike this January 18.

What is SOPA? It’s a great legislation to bring if you want governments and corporations to decide what you can or cannot do and say on the Internet: state and corporate censorship. This article on why SOPA and Protect IP are bad ideas has a great summary about this.

Although SOPA and PIPA are US-only bills, they would deeply impact the Internet, worldwide, for individuals and organisations, on many levels. They may badly influence for similar, more local initiatives as well (although some countries did not wait for them, unfortunately).

This is serious. This is about outdated business models and practices that struggle to survive, at all costs for others to pay, instead of embracing change and struggling to reform. It’s the “back to the trees” mindset. It’s the reptilian brain against the neocortex.

We oppose the views behind these bills, we oppose the vision of the Internet and of society these bills come from and want to lead to.

Joining the demonstration is a small, puny, short step. We take this step. With thousands and thousands others.

Note: this strike will impact diversely on our Wiki, our blog and our main web site.


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