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Mageia Blog (English) : Looking better and better

28 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Mageia 1 looks quite amazingly handsome, doesn’t it?

Looking back, what we achieved is impressive, especially when you consider the size of the artwork team and how new something like this was to us. It was a bit of a mad scramble to get it all done in time – and somehow we made it, even though there were only a few of us.

Thanks go out to all of the people who helped with Mageia 1. It was very much appreciated – and hopefully will be again soon!

Now we’re a real team, thanks in large part to our leader TeaAge; we have a good structure, and we’re properly up and running.

With Mageia 1 out in the wild, it’s time to turn our attention to Mageia 2. Using what we’ve learned and our new expertise, we aim to make Mageia 2 very pretty indeed.

Our call now is to anyone and everyone who has anything to contribute: please get involved!

No matter whether you have finished artwork, a vague idea, a basic sketch… please share it, so we can all look at each others’ work, finish what needs finishing and build it into Mageia 2. We’re gathering ideas as much as we’re getting the final pieces done, so if your work is still in progress, post it and tell us where you see it going.

We need: wallpapers, icon sets, themes, colour schemes or just your lovely constructive criticism.

What to do and where to go to help:

There’s now a group on flickr where you can post your work.

There’ s a thread on the Mageia Forum.

Check the Mageia wiki for some useful info.

And last but not least, the licensing info can be found here.

We look forward to seeing your work and your ideas.

PS: If you don’t want to sign up to flickr, you can either post links to your artwork in the forum thread (see the link above), or send links to the artwork mailing list.

The Mageia Artwork team


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