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Mageia Blog (English) : Chronicle in May

25 de Maio de 2020, 16:19 , por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It’s been a very long time since you’ve heard from us on this blog. Now it’s time to give you some fresh news, because no matter what it seems, a lot of work has been done since then.


Many teams — the dev and QA teams in particular — are now working on a schedule for the upcoming Mageia 8. It is now available online. It seems this summer is going to be all about testing our new release!

You can already take part in the testing and check if all of our Drak tools are functioning properly, and help the QA team. The coming months should allow us to report any new bugs or update existing reports in our Bugzilla. If you are comfortable working with Perl, your coding skills will be much appreciated to help correcting all the known bugs in our Drak tools.


Our “Mageia Planet” — which agregates blog articles from our active users — has just been updated and is now up and running. We have also updated the list of blogs that are featured on Mageia Planet. Please let us know if you are the owner of a blog about Mageia which can be added! Our main blogs version was also updated.

What is boiling in Cauldron?

The new 0.15 version of LXQt is now available. New versions of LXQt don’t come out so often, and we think this one could be interesting. What are your first impressions about it?

Also, we’ve got a lot of nice little dishes that are being prepared for the upcoming Menu… Plasma 5.18 LTS along with KDE 20.04 applications, Gnome 3.36, Cinnamon 4.6, all of which will be served with kernel 5.6…

Mageia 7 updates

A security alert has been published concerning our current version of LibreOffice, which is also EOL at the end of the month… Therefore, LibreOffice’s latest version 6.4.4 has been built and is currently being thoroughly tested.


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