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Mageia Blog (English) : Board election results

30 de Março de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It was a little over a year since the first Mageia.Org board was
elected, so it was time to re-elect one-third as required by the Mageia

Michael Scherer and Wolfgang Bornath have both resigned from their
board positions. We thank them both for their great work, and wish them
well. After their resignations, we had two positions to fill.

Following the election, we welcome Nicolas Vigier and Oliver Burger
to the Mageia board.

Last Monday the new board had its first meeting, and the first official
act was to elect the executive committee: Chairman, Secretary and
Treasurer. Outgoing office-bearers were Anne Nicolas, Chairman; Michael
Scherer, Secretary; Damien Lallement, Treasurer.

The election results were: Anne Nicolas, Chairman; Romain d’Alverny,
Treasurer; Oliver Burger, Secretary.

The board is now discussing how to promote Mageia in the coming year,
and how to make the association stronger in the long run.


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