It happened in São Carlos, on January 27th, the KDE 4.8 Release Party – the second time in this city.
It was time to meet friends, drink some beers, talk about KDE, the life, the universe and everything, and of course, drink more beer. This time I had time to install the new version of KDE on Mageia (thanks mikala!), to allow those who had not seen the new version, could do a test drive.
The rain interfered a little, but attended four brave comrades to celebrate the work of the entire ecosystem of free software that is KDE.
Left to right: Daniel, Rodrigo, Vitor e Filipe
For me, KDE 4.8 release is more special because it is the first time that I have a large contribution of software being distributed with the project. This is the backend for Scilab in Cantor, a result of my work in the Google Summer of Code 2011, which finally came to you computer, KDErs. Thanks to Scilab team, especially to my mentor Sylvestre Ledru.
But that’s a topic to a future post.
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