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Juan Luis Baptiste : armv7hl support for mageia docker official images

11 de Maio de 2019, 0:09 , por Planet Mageia (English) - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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After some months of on and off work with @Conan-Kudo on improving mageia's docker images build tools to support multi-arch builds, we finally were able to add armv7hl support to mageia 6.

Usage is completely transparent to the user, when pulling the image, the docker daemon will take care to download the correct image according to the host server architecture.

Also, now that our build tools support multiarch builds, the moment mageia 7 is available armv8 images will be available too, at the same time of the x86_64 image.

We are also working on having a periodically updated cauldron build, but we are still working on that. With the latest changes to the build tools it should be easier to automate a cauldron build for example, a weekly or daily.

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