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Eugeni's blog : Friday news for the masses

11 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Yeah, I know that it is Friday, and it is also 11/11/11 (though I still don’t know if the end of the world was expected on 11/11/11 at 11:11am or 11/11/11 at 11:11pm), but still, the development goes on and on.

But as I said, heck, it is Friday, and we all have a nice binary date on the calendar, so I’ll give you two additional reasons for celebration today:

  • On Mesa, Eric Anholt and Ian Romanick exposed GLSL 1.30 compatibility for Intel gen6+ cards. Yes, with the latest commit which added gl_VertexID support, everything required by GLSL spec should be supported now. Yet another milestone towards GL 3.0 was passed.

  • And on xf86-video-intel, patches which add the support for Glamor were sent by Zhigang. Yes, I am talking a lot about Glamor in the past days, as it certainly looks like a very interesting project. Now, with patches which split the device-independent library from the device-dependent part, its support towards upstreaming is getting closer and closer.

Besides those items, as usual, we have had lots of development and news for all the projects. And next week, we’ll have LinuxCon in Brazil, where I’ll give a presentation about Intel Linux Graphics, what it is, how it works, and what are all those scary words like kernel, drm, ddx, vaapi and wayland. And, of course, we’ll have lots of amazing presentations on many Linux-related projects.

So if you’ll be there, I’ll be glad to answer your questions and talk about pretty much everything.

See you!


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