As lots of people confined in these difficult times, I’m working remotely. And here at home, as when I’m at work, I’m using a Linux machine to perform all my tasks. What else ?!!
Among the interactive tools I can use to interact wih my colleagues, there is Skype Enterprise (no luck on LInux, so using just a phone call, painful), HPE My Room (multi-platform with many features and usable on Mageia 7), Microsoft Teams (which is working nicely on Mageia 7 without issue, and you even have source code access under GPLv3 for an unofficial client), and the fully FLOSS Jitsi.
But some of my recent meeting requests were also using zoom. And while there is indeed a Linux client, due to libraries versions incompatibilities, it refuses to install on Linux, and even when forced to, doesn’t launch.
So I had to create a small Fedora:32 container, and with some suitable parameters, zoom is now working in it. To ease it, I have create a small script to launch the stuff:
#!/bin/bash # Licensed under the GPLv3 mkdir -p /tmp/docker-fedora export LUID=`id -u` cd /tmp/docker-fedora if [ ! -f zoom_x86_64.rpm ]; then wget fi RD="/home" WD="$RD/$USER/prj/fedora/" cat > Dockerfile << EOF FROM fedora:32 MAINTAINER RUN dnf makecache RUN dnf -y update || true COPY zoom_x86_64.rpm / RUN dnf install -y /zoom_x86_64.rpm RUN dnf install -y pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils libglvnd-gles RUN useradd $USER -u $LUID -N -M -d $RD/$USER RUN usermod -a -G audio $USER RUN echo "$USER ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/dnf" >> /etc/sudoers WORKDIR $WD USER $USER CMD zoom EOF stat=0 build=0 docker inspect pb:zoombuild 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$BASH_ARGV" = "-f" ]; then docker rmi pb:zoombuild build=1 fi else build=1 fi if [ $build -eq 1 ]; then docker build --file=Dockerfile -t pb:zoombuild . stat=$? fi if [ $stat -eq 0 ]; then # Priviledge needed for zoom command in ctn docker run --device /dev/snd --device /dev/usb --rm -v $RD/$USER:$RD/$USER --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /run/user/$LUID/pulse/native:/run/pulse/native -e PULSE_SERVER=/run/pulse/native -e PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH -ti pb:zoombuild fi
Just run that script and you can join a zoom conf call, benefiting from sound at least (I have no webcam to test the video at the moment).
So now, dear mageians no excuse to stay confined without contacts with your colleagues
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