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Software livre Brasil

 Voltar a Blongando po...
Tela cheia


22 de Setembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 339 vezes

Oops. Linux-2.6.31-libre wouldn't build if you enabled the usbdux drivers in staging. Non-Free firmware name deblobbing error. Fixed in 2.6.31-libre1.

Aside from that, there are changes to the deblobbing of Radeon, R128 and MGA drivers, in preparation for the removal of the non-Free firmware from the drivers proper, and some improvements contributed by Trisquel's Rubén Rodríguez Pérez to make it easier to run the deblob scripts on a kernel that's already partially deblobbed, or for a different variant or base release.

Along with 2.6.31-libre1, and were released, and binary packages for Freed-ora 12 testing are underway.

Be Free!

So blong...

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