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Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil

7 de Dezembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil

LibOCon Visa – Don’t forget to apply!

20 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 22 comentários

From October 17th to 19th, the LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin, Germany, with one additional community meeting day on October 16th.

We would like to remind you of the visa requirements. In a nutshell:

If you want to join the conference,
please check NOW if you need a visa,
and please act NOW to get an invitation letter.

Here’s the details:

People living outside Europe and the “Schengen area” may require a visa to participate. Based on our experience, depending on the country of origin, applying for such a visa can be a lenghty, tedious task. We therefore recommend everyone to act already NOW so required documents can be provided in time. Bureaucratic delays of several months (!) have happened in the past for certain countries, with the reasons out of the organizers’ responsibility, so therefore the sooner you act, the better it is. Unfortunately, although rarely, it already happened that people could not participate because they sent in their visa request too late.

So, again, act NOW.

We have compiled some details on this topic already at

My colleague Stefan Weigel will take care of the formalities. In case you have questions regarding the visa, or want to receive a letter of invitation, please contact him directly at

We are trying to make the process as easy as possible, and are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin this fall!

LibreOffice Infographics

17 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

LibreOffice Infographics July 2012

If you are a LibreOffice user, you can download the Hybrid PDF from here and open it as a normal ODF file (using File > Open). If you are not a LibreOffice user, you can open the file using a PDF viewer, or install LibreOffice to discover this unique feature.

Meeting Richard Stallman

16 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Following his speech the day before at the University of Munich, TDF Chair Florian Effenberger and admin team member Alexander Werner, together with a group of students, had the chance of meeting Richard Stallman. It was a fun day getting input from the President of the Free Software Foundation, who alongside many others, are a key member of our Advisory Board. The picture below shows the group enjoying some Italian ice cream. ;-)

Meeting Richard Stallman

the Document Foundation anuncia hoje, dia 11, a disponibilidade da nova versão do LibreOffice 3.5.5

11 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil
Traz melhorias na estabilidade e conserto de bugs graças à comunidade de desenvolvedores e de usuários. Traz também melhorias no Calc, Impress, manipulação de fontes e compatibilidade com formatos de arquivos de terceiros. 

Berlim, 11 de Julho de 2012. A Document Foundation anuncia hoje a disponibilidade imediata do LibreOffice 3.5.5, a versão vigente da suíte livre de escritório.

Este lançamento resolve dezenas de bugs e melhora a estabilidade do software, tornado-a apropriada para instalações empresariais

O LibreOffice 3.5.5 está disponível para dowload para várias plataforma e vários idiomas em

Os detalhes técnicos e os registros de mudanças estão em

A Conferência Internacional do LibreOffice ocorrerá em Berlim, nos dias 17 a 19 de Outubro de 2012. A conferência tem o apoio do Ministério do Interior e do Ministério de Economia e Tecnologia, com a chamada de trabalhos vigente até 15 de agosto. Detalhes no site
O próximo lançamento da versão 3.6 do LibreOffice, com novidades empolgantes, ocorrerá nas próximas semanas, com a versão 3.5 mantida em paralelo.

LibreOffice 3.5.5 is available

11 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Stability enhancements and bugfixes thanks to a large, diverse and rapidly growing developer community
Improvements in Calc, Impress, font handling and compatibility to third-party formats

Berlin, July 11th, 2012. The Document Foundation today announces the immediate availability of LibreOffice 3.5.5, the current version of the free office suite.

This release fixes a number of bugs and further improves the stability of the software, making it the best version available for corporate and enterprise adoption. Among the changes are improvements in Calc, Impress, in the handling of fonts as well as enhancements with regards to importing and exporting third-party formats.

LibreOffice 3.5.5 is available for download for various platforms and in many languages at

Detailed technical change logs are available at:

The worldwide LibreOffice Conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, from October 17th to 19th, 2012. It is supported by the German Federal Ministries of the Interior and of Economics and Technology, with the Call for Papers running until August 15th. Details are available at

The next major release 3.6 of LibreOffice, including new and exciting features, will be released within the next weeks, with the current 3.5 series receiving ongoing maintenance.

Dicas-L: Defenda sua liberdade de instalar Software Livre

6 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

A Microsoft anunciou que se fabricantes de computadores desejam distribuir máquinas com o símbolo de compatibilidade com o Windows 8, terão que implementar uma medida chamada "Boot Seguro" (Secure Boot). Contudo, ainda se está por saber se esta tecnologia honrará o seu nome, ou se em vez disso merecerá a alcunha de "Boot Restrito".

Quando feito de modo correto, o "Boot Seguro" está projetado como proteção contra malware, impedindo computadores de carregar programas binários não autorizados quando inicia. Na prática, significa que computadores que o implementam não irão iniciar ("bootar") sistemas operacionais não-permitidos — incluindo sistemas anteriormente autorizados que foram modificados sem ser reaprovados.

Esta pode ser uma qualidade merecedora do nome, se a pessoa usuária é capaz de autorizar os programas que quiser usar, podendo executar software livre escrito e modificado por ela mesma, ou pessoas de sua confiança. Contudo, estamos preocupados de que a Microsoft e fabricantes de hardware implementem essas restrições de inicialização (boot) de um modo que impeça seus usuários de iniciar (boot) qualquer coisa que não seja Windows. Nesse caso, a melhor pedida é chamar essa tecnologia Boot Restrito (ou Inicialização Restrita), já que tal requisito seria uma restrição desastrosa para os usuários de computadores e de modo algum um atributo de segurança.

Por favor acrescente o seu nome declaração, para mostrar a fabricantes de computadores, governos e à Microsoft que você se importa com a liberdade e trabalhará para protegê-la.

O texto a seguir foi extraído do  site da Free Software Foundation.

Assine a já declaração

* fonte: Dicas-L

Visa for the LibreOffice Conference

3 de Julho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

From October 17th to 19th, the LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin, Germany, with one additional community meeting day on October 16th.

People living outside Europe and the “Schengen area” may require a visa to participate. Based on our experience, depending on the country of origin, applying for such a visa can be a lenghty, tedious task. We therefore recommend everyone to act already now so required documents can be provided in time. Bureaucratic delays of several months (!) have happened in the past for certain countries, with the reasons out of the organizers’ responsibility, so therefore the sooner you act, the better it is. Unfortunately, although rarely, it already happened that people could not participate because they sent in their visa request too late. So, again, act NOW.

We have compiled some details on this topic already at

My colleague Stefan Weigel will take care of the formalities. In case you have questions regarding the visa, or want to receive a letter of invitation, please contact him directly at

We are trying to make the process as easy as possible, and are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin this fall!

LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party – July 6 & 7

30 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

TDF announces the LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party to improve the quality and stability of the best free office suite ever

Berlin, June 29, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the LibreOffice 3.6 bug hunting party, to be held in a virtual environment on July 6 and 7, 2012.
Volunteer bug hunters will gather on the Internet from the five continents to spot software problems of the upcoming new major release, featuring a large number of improvements and new functions, in order to make LibreOffice 3.6 again the best free office suite ever.

Participating is easy, and fun.
Details are available at the wiki of The Document Foundation, where one can also find a comprehensive list of LibreOffice 3.6 new and improved features.

All you need to join is a PC with Windows, MacOS X or Linux, and LibreOffice 3.6 Beta 3 (or Beta 2), plus a lot of enthusiasm.
The LibreOffice 3.6 Beta is to be downloaded from the pre-releases web-page.

Filing bugs will be easy, thanks to the improved bug submitting assistant and the help of several experienced people who will be around to help users and supporters with tips, on the QA mailing list ( and IRC channel (irc://, where many people are expected to join from 8AM to 10PM UTC on both days.
And of course there is a webpage withinformation on filing bugs.

People joining the LibreOffice Bug Hunt Parties not only do so for hunting new bugs. Checking and possibly categorising already submitted bugs also is a popular and interesting activity.

Community Meetings at LibOCon

28 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

As previously announced, the next LibreOffice Conference will take place from

    October 17th to 19th
    in Berlin, Germany

with the Call for Papers currently running (, and the final program to be announced in early September.

All three days of the conference are open for the general public. In addition, on

    October 16th
    i.e. one day before the official Conference

we will, in good tradition, host the so-called Community Meetings. While they are not per se private, they are – in comparison to the rest of the Conference – mainly targetted towards existing project members, and take place in form of meetings and workshops rather than lectures.

Currently planned are meetings for the following groups:

  • Board of Directors
  • Advisory Board
  • Membership Committee
  • Engineering Steering Committee
  • regional groups, like the German, French, Italian or Brazilian community
  • marketing
  • website
  • design and user experience
  • QA and localization
  • system administrator and infrastructure
  • certification

If you are part of any of those groups, committees or bodies, we strongly recommend planning your trip so you can attend on October 16th already. The Community Meetings serve the purpose to meet your fellow colleagues and friends, discuss the successes of the last twelve months, and plan the achievements of the next year.

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Developer Interview: Lionel Elie Mamane, LibreOffice Base Maintainer and Volunteer

26 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

(Interview by Michael Meeks, edited by Marc Paré)

In our continuing series “Developer Interview”, Lionel Elie Mamane discusses his work with LibreOffice code and of his particular interest with Base. His lead role in maintaining the Base module is helping raise the use of Base among the LibreOffice community at large.

Lionel Elie Mamane

How did you hear about LibreOffice?

Debian switched to it from

LibreOffice can only exist if people are working on it; so please, tell us a bit about yourself. In what other software projects have you been involved?

Mainly Debian, but I’ve always sent patches left and right to scratch my itches; a more or less random selection:

  • IPv6 support for privoxy, an anonyimising HTTP proxy
  • bugfix for gfax, a graphical interface to send faxes: handle spaces in telefax numbers gracefully
  • Linux, the kernel: In SIT tunnels set to “tos inherit”, propagate IPv6 transport class byte from the inner packet to the ToS byte in the outer packet, like IPIP and GRE tunnels already did
  • Pan (newsreader): fix interaction with mutt (email user agent)
  • Pan: bug in thread filter
  • Fixes in some LaTeX packages
  • mutt (email user agent): fix parsing of mailto: URLs

What do you do when you’re not working on LibreOffice?

Finish up my PhD dissertation in theoretical computer science/computer mathematics.

What is your thesis?

The field is proof assistants, that is programs that help mathematicians make theorems (proofs), manage them, etc. But also that check that a proof is correct.

My thesis is that the way current / historic proof assistants are going at it, we will “never” have a nice proof that we can show to a human and that will be “nice” to read. We have to change a bit (but not that much) how they are organized, both as concrete systems (programs), but also the theoretical underpinnings.

I handle the IT needs of a small (15 people) company.

What company? Can you give us a link and tell us of it’s products?

The company is Gestman S.A.. It does administrative, accounting and juridic work.

I’m also adviser to a charitable foundation called: Matanel. Its mission statement is summarized as “Matanel Spirit: The Matanel foundation, granted to give, encourages social entrepreneurship in all over the world.”  The full version of Matanel’s mission statement explains this in more detail.

Additionally to more “classic” charitable stuff (food, education, culture, …), I’m to blame for the logo being on Debconf11, Debconf12. You’ll notice my employer (Gestman s.a.) is also a sponsor of these conferences, and also pays my attendance to the same:

When do you usually spend time on the project?

If I was interrupted in mid-thought or mid-bugfix by my car*share*, I finish at home.

So European waking hours?


Why did you get involved?

Because I want to use it as a programming platform for database-driven custom business applications at work. As a Microsoft Access killer, if you want. I started fixing bugs and adding small features that were useful to me, and before I really realized it, I find myself being the LibreOffice database expert.

Lovely, that’s exciting! What do your business applications do? Can you flesh that out a bit?

The business applications do:

  • customer database
    • contact data
    • track who is authorized to order which action on behalf of customer
  • billing: manual, automated, semi-automated
    • when customer asks for out-of-package work, bill by hourly tariff
    • statistics on which employee works how many billable/in-package/non-billable hours
    • statistics (for each customer) on how many hours spent on in-package work vs price of package.
  • tracking of assets and investments we manage
  • track advancement of work that needs to be done, and its bouncing from employee to employee or external entity.
  • For example, filing a company’s tax return:
    • accountant prepare balance sheet: employee 1
    • account manager validates: employee 2
    • send to auditor: employee 3
    • waiting for auditor: external service
    • file tax return as certified by auditor: employee 4
    • did we get the filing acknowledgment from the tax authority?

What was your initial experience of contributing to LibreOffice like? And how did that make you feel?

Very welcoming community. Err… Very welcome? My skills are recognized, contributions valued …

What was your first contribution to LibreOffice?

My first “applied as I wrote it” patch seems to be (date:   Sat Jan 15 05:39:40 2011 +0100):

#116187: report left/right page margin setting ignored on Unix 64 bit

The bug was: when one changed the left or right margin of a report on a 64 bit arch, *all* changes done in that dialog were lost.

What have you done since then?

Fixed a lot of stuff in Base, and a bit in scripting.

Great! Can you expand on the importance of fixing base?

Nearly all “enterprise/business applications” are more or less “read this from that database; do this work on it; push that to the database, …”. LibreOffice will *never* be a rapid application development platform à la Microsoft Office + Visual Basic for Applications without a solid database access / management / … component.

How will that improve things for users?

Users will be able to use LibreOffice for database access without crippling bugs.

What is your vision for the future and/or what would you like to see improved?

  • Ideally I’d like to have a rich, vibrant Developer/Tester/QA/ … community around base.
  • Interested in database stuff or scripting in LibreOffice? Come join  us! You can be useful at many different levels, with many different skills and levels of specialization: programming, bug triage, QA, testing, documentation writing, …
  • The reporting system is a bit primitive and could use a real upgrade.
  • It would be nice if forms could show several records at once (not only in grid mode).
  • The many dependencies on Java are a liability, and I’d like to have them curtailed / removed.

What do you think of the new build system?

gbuildification is a nice step forward, but it is “recursive make”, which is bad; see  At least now it is not “much worse” than most other projects.

I’m 100% convinced that our dependency information is incomplete and/or too low granularity. I still have build problems solved by a “make module.clean” or some such. And, when I try to do a more surgical “rm”, it often fails BECAUSE THAT FILE IS NOT REDONE, so, compilation of a different file fails with message “file you removed missing”.

Which is your preferred text editor and why?

Emacs. Habit (keybindings in muscle memory), features, programmability in a decent language (I’m a functional programming guy at heart), …

What would you encourage new contributors to work on with you?

I’ve made a few “easy hacks” with suggestions.

Anything else interesting you get up to when not hacking?

No, hacking is my life ;)

Thanks for your time and commitment to the project!

Expresso: uma solução livre e nacional para gerenciar e-mails

25 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Enviado por vacy Alvaro (vacyΘprognus·com·br):

“Como os conhecidos Hotmail e Gmail, o Expresso Livre é uma solução que reúne funções de um gerenciador de e-mail completo, com correio eletrônico, agenda, catálogo de endereços e mensageiro instantâneo em um mesmo ambiente. O Expresso é nacional e é desenvolvido por meio de um Comitê Gestor.*

O desenvolvimento do projeto iniciou em 2004, pela Companhia de Informática do Paraná (Celepar) e atualmente conta com mais de 520 mil usuários de 167 instituições e empresas de todo o Brasil. Os paranaenses são maioria – com aproximadamente 160 mil usuários – mas a ferramenta já é adotada também pelos governos de Alagoas, Rondônia e Pernambuco, além da Caixa Econômica Federal, Presidência da República, ministérios e outras repartições públicas.

Os usuários tem voz ativa no desenvolvimento do Expresso, o que ocasiona uma evolução natural da ferramenta e em sua usabilidade. Como se trata de uma solução colaborativa, os códigos desenvolvidos pelos programadores e analistas sempre são disponibilizados gratuitamente na Comunidade Expresso, que também conta com um fórum que permite a troca de experiências entre usuários e desenvolvedores.

Com inspiração nos mais importantes gerenciadores de e-mail, a versão mais atual do Expresso é a 2.4.0 e foi lançada em junho, trazendo consigo importantes funcionalidades e melhorias. De acordo com William Merlotto, diretor-técnico da Prognus – uma das empresas do Comitê Gestor – o Expresso agora está ainda melhor. “Estamos caminhando para um Expresso Livre mais completo, inovador e funcional, facilitando o dia a dia do usuário.”, destacou.

Entre as novidades da versão, a Nova Agenda traz uma série de novas possibilidades, possibilitando que o usuário execute facilmente tarefas como a criação de eventos/compromissos – inclusive com anexos ou a partir do recebimento de um e-mail – ter agendas múltiplas e ainda utilizar sinalizadores e marcadores nas mensagens recebidas.

Mais informações sobre a ferramenta estão no blog Café Expresso (” [referência:]

LibreOffice Conference supported by the German Federal Ministries of the Interior and of Economics and Technology

21 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Three days in Berlin focused on LibreOffice, open standards and interoperability
Call for papers is open until 15th August

Berlin, 21st June 2012. Today the LibreOffice project announces details of the LibreOffice Conference, taking place in Berlin from 17th-19th October. “Open standards, interoperability and free software are becoming more and more important in the political and public discourse, and will play a central role in this year’s conference program,” says Jacqueline Rahemipour, from the organizing association Freies Office Deutschland e.V. and member of the organizing committee.

In addition, the project announced that the Call for Papers is immediately open until 15th August. Users and developers are invited to submit papers fitting one of the topics listed below. The submissions will then be reviewed by a committee, and the final program will be made available in early September. Topics for this year are:

  • Open Document Format (ODF) Plugfest
  • Interoperability
  • LibreOffice – Development and future: Technology, API, Extensions
  • Community-Track: Localization, Documentation, etc.
  • Best Practice und Migration: Certification and Support

“The decision to hold this years conference in Berlin was made by an overwhelming majority of the community. Following the founding of The Document Foundation in February, we are proud to also have the LibreOffice Conference come to Berlin. This is a major event, not only for those involved in the project, but also for the everyone interested in the use of free office software and open standards”, explains Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board at The Document Foundation.

Further details regarding the Call for Papers can be found on the Conference website.


LibreOffice Conference:
Freies Office Deutschland e.V.:
The Document Foundation:

Media Contacts

The Document Foundation
Florian Effenberger
Phone: +49 8341 99660880
Mobile: +49 151 14424108

Freies Office Deutschland e.V.
Jacqueline Rahemipour

Governador do RGS sanciona a Lei ODF 14.009/2012 em 13 junho 2012

14 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil

A Primeira Lei ODF do Brasil é a do Paraná, Lei 15742/2007, essa Lei do Paraná virou modelo para a cidade de Novo Hamburgo - RS e o Estado do Rio de Janeiro e agora, ontem, dia 13 de junho de 2012, tornou-se Lei no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A quarta Lei ODF do Brasil.

. Primeira - Estado do Paraná.
. Segunda - Novo Hamburgo - RS.
. Terceira - Estado do Rio de Janeiro
. Quarta - Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Lei ODF 14.009/2012

Sancionado pelo Governador Tarso Genro em 13 de junho de 2012.

Dispõe que os órgãos e entidades da administração pública direta, indireta, autárquica e fundacional do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como os órgãos autônomos e empresas sob o controle estatal adotarão, preferencialmente, formatos  abertos de arquivos para criação, armazenamento e disponibilização digital de documentos.

Art. 1o - Os órgãos e entidades da Administração Pública Direta, Indireta, Autárquica e Fundacional do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, bem como os órgãos autônomos e empresas sob o controle estatal adotarão, preferencialmente, formatos abertos de arquivos para criação, armazenamento e disponibilização digital de documentos.

Art. 2o - Entende-se por formatos abertos de arquivos aqueles que:
I – possibilitam a interoperabilidade entre diversos aplicativos e plataformas, internas e externas;
II – permitem aplicação sem quaisquer restrições ou pagamento de royalties;
III – podem ser implementados plena e independentemente por múltiplos fornecedores de programas de computador, em múltiplas plataformas, sem quaisquer ônus relativos à propriedade intelectual
para a necessária tecnologia.

Art. 3o - Os entes, mencionados no art. 1o desta lei, deverão estar aptos ao recebimento, publicação, visualização e preservação de documentos digitais em formato aberto, de acordo com a norma ISO/IEC26.300 (Open Document format – ODF).

Art. 4o - Esta Lei entrará em vigor na data de sua publicação.

Porto Alegre RS, 14 de junho de 2012.




Esta Lei é baseada na Primeira Lei ODF do Brasil 15742/2007 do Estado do Paraná

Foto: Dep. Miki Breier (esquerda) e Lauro Pacheco (direita).


TDF InfoGraphics, May 2012

10 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

TDF InfoGraphics June 2012

If you are a LibreOffice user, you can download the Hybrid PDF from here and open it as a normal ODF file (using File > Open). If you are not a LibreOffice user, you can open the file using a PDF viewer, or install LibreOffice to discover this unique feature.

Carta ao Congresso Nacional sobre a defesa do Software Livre

4 de Junho de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil desdobramento do caso em que relatamos a defesa do Software Livre, estou encaminhando carta aos políticos nos quais votei na última eleição. Acredito que a única maneira de ver a democracia funcionar é fazer a nossa parte, exigindo dos nossos representantes que façam o que foram eleitos para fazer: nos representem. Assim, estou encaminhando o conteúdo publicado abaixo ao Deputado Distrital Chico Leite, ao Deputado Federal Reguffe e aos Senadores Rodrigo Rollemberg e Cristovam Buarque, que foram minhas escolhas nas últimas eleições.


Prezado Deputado/Senador,

O objetivo da comunicação é relatar um acontecimento grave e que representa um completo desinteresse pela indústria nacional por parte da Polícia Federal. Trabalho na empresa Lightbase, e fomos informados há alguns meses que seríamos substituídos no órgão em detrimento da plataforma de software proprietário Oracle, pelo simples fato de que a Coordenação de Informática do Departamento adotou o referido software por padrão.

O procedimento de substituição foi feito sem licitação utilizando um contrato do tipo guarda-chuva para fábrica de software, que contraria as instruções normativas 04/2008 e 01/2010 da SLTI/MPOG, além da 12.349/2010 que diz respeito à defesa da tecnologia nacional.

Questionamos o Tribunal de Contas sobre a legalidade do ato através de carta, cuja cópia pode ser acessada no endereço  

e obtivemos como resposta o acórdão disponível aqui:

Na condição de eleitor de vossas senhorias gostaria que tornassem pública sua posição perante o fato e convocassem para esclarecimentos os envolvidos, uma vez que a resposta do TCU diz que as normas “não tornam obrigatória a preferência por software nacional, livre e público”. Ora, o Governo faz normas que ele mesmo não cumpre?

Um relato completo do caso pode ser acessado no endereço

Abaixo um link de republicações e comentários sobre o caso:


Blog do Nassif:


Aguardo manifestação

Eduardo F. Santos

* fonte: blog de Eduardo Santos

Tags deste artigo: odf calc libreoffice draw iso 26300 math impress base writer tdf