Interview with Björn Michaelsen about the Hackfest
20 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - Um comentárioPlease, tell us something about you and your activities? And how you became involved with Open Source Software and LibreOffice?
I started to get involved with Open Source when I was still a student. I got involved quite a bit with Gentoo (the Linux distribution) in its early days, somewhere around Gentoo 1.2. I even wrote some tools for it, only to scratch my personal itch, but it seems that for example ‘etc-proposals’ is still quite popular. I kept being involved in Open Source, although my first job after graduating from the university was not Open Source related. In 2008 I joined Sun’s OpenOffice Writer team, motivated by the opportunity to work on one of the biggest – and most important – Open Source projects in the world. I learned quite a lot about the codebase and the product there and in turn could bring in some experience from the sometimes chaotic, but always dynamic ways of Open Source projects. As of February 2011 I am employed by Canonical and take care of LibreOffice releases on Ubuntu. Since that date I am contributing code changes directly to LibreOffice. Later I also joined the Engineering Steering Committee of LibreOffice.
How was Hackfest 2011?
It was delighting in its concentration on the essentials. There was: a room, food, a possibility to sleep, a build server (in case you didn’t bring your own hardware to build LibreOffice) and there were lots of cool people to meet.
Hackfest 2011 was an Unconference (see in its best form. It provided exactly what was needed without bureaucratic overhead. Comparing Hackfest 2011 to the then still related to Hackfest 2010 in Hamburg, there was a tremendous growth in participants and interest. If this growth continues, some more organization will be needed or the Hackfest might become a victim of its own success. On the other hand, that might be just German over-cautiousness on my part.
There were eleven topics to hack. As I saw the hacks, you were the mentor for Christoph Lutz. Can you tell us something about how you and Christoph came to work together?
Christoph already had his mind clearly set on the topic, which he choose himself. I only became his mentor at the Hackfest. I just noticed what the problem was he was trying to solve at the Hackfest and that I had already meddled quite a bit with related code. So naturally, as these things go on Hackfests and Unconferences, I became his mentor.
In a few words that a newbie can understand, what was the problem that you were working on (‘Non-linear execution time in mail merge’)?
If you had a mail merge document with bookmarks in it, which is quite common in corporate environments or public authorities (like the City of Munich), creating the merged document would get needlessly and unbearably slow with a large number of repititions/recipients.
Did you and Christoph manage to solve that problem?
Yes, the goal to speed up mail merge in this scenario was archived. Actually any scenario with large numbers of bookmarks existing in one document has been made faster.
Did you encounter any difficulties working on that hack?
I didn’t expect any, but there always are some. For example the issue documented at Fortunately, these issues have been quickly dealt with, so we now can enjoy the fruits of the effort. Quite a bit of work was put into getting Christoph up-and-running with callgrind ( to safely confirm where exactly the problem was. Once that was done, fixing the issue was the easier part in the end. At least thats how I felt about it. I cant speak for Christoph’s experience here.
I read you are also working on the Gerrit project (aimed at code review). Can you tell us something about that?
We installed a test instance at at the time of the Hackfest which is offline again now. It basically worked (kudos also to Norbert Thiebaud, who — among a thousand other Good Things he does for the project also tested Gerrit with me), but in the end we found we needed much more resources for hosting Gerrit than that virtual machine for testing could provide. This is currently being addressed, so that does not invalidate our general assessment that Gerrit would be good for the project and is desperately needed (see for all the gory details). More on this topic will be presented in all its epic broadness at the LibreOffice conference in Paris. I invite everyone who is there (and not only developers!) to join that talk as it will also address the general question of “how we communicate” and changes to the source code are the most important means of communication between developers.
Is there a final document or presentation where the all results of all hack topics achieved during the Hackfest are saved? And could anyone interested in these results access it? is still the best with regard to this topic as far as I know. There are no restrictions on access once it is written. However, not every participant might be inclined to spend too much time on documenting progress when he/she rather likes to fix a few more things. So, of course such documentation is valuable, but it is also a trade-off against hacker productivity. More fundamentally: you can’t force volunteers to write documentation when they’d rather write code.
Also I like to note that there were open discussions I had (for example with Andre Schnabel, Christoph Noack, Florian Effenberger and Italo Vignoli) about the general direction of the project that I found extremely valuable. The outcome of those discussions often can’t be nailed down to some direct result in the product, but they gave me a better perception of the project as a whole.
Finally we had a good chance to exchange quite a bit about the little tricks that everybody uses to make work on LibreOffice easier “on the fly”, just by watching each other work. Even better of course, if this gets documented, which is what Regina did here: for building LibreOffice on Windows.
Finally, in general what do you think of Hackfest 2011?
It was awesome and way more than I expected. In fact, I fear a bit that further growth of the Hackfest might destroy its cozy productivity. Maybe we need more Hackfests?
What made you decide to become a LibreOffice developer?
I was a full time developer on the codebase of LibreOffice at Sun/Oracle a year ago. I had a gut feeling that the Document Foundation had a much better idea of where to take LibreOffice long term and a better understanding on how to handle a open source project as a whole. When I got the opportunity to work on Ubuntu and LibreOffice for Canonical, I didnt miss it.
What did you do to familiarize yourself with the code and development model for LibreOffice?
I knew the code quite a bit from my previous job (and helps a lot for the areas that I am not fully acquainted with), however I needed to (re-)learn the (actually much simpler) development model. There are three important channels that helped me to learn about the development model in practice:
- the developer mailing list
- the wiki
Once you knew how things were done, what was your first contribution? And why did you choose to work on that?
Making LibreOffice 3.3.X the first LibreOffice release on Ubuntu with Natty was the first thing I did — along with a lots of odds and ends towards that. It was the primary task I selected with my new job.
If you look back at that time and what you learned then, what advise would you give new developer’s (not necessarily well-seasoned ones) to make those first steps easier?
a) Start off with an Easy Hack:
b) Find help on IRC or the developer mailing list
It might help if you name the Easy Hack you are intending to work on, as seasoned developers are esp. interested in helping new contributors with a clear goal — it also helps finding others who are knowledgable about that area of code.
What are you working on at the moment?
Last week I was mostly setting myself up for the LibreOffice 3.5 release to be shipped with the “Precise Pangolin” LTS release, and identifying what I need and can do for that. The parts relevant to LibreOffice can be mostly be found in these two blueprints:
If you had unlimited resources, what improvements or new features would you like to see added to LibreOffice?
With unlimited resources, that question isnt too tricky, is it? However, if I had a limited set of additional resources at my will, I would use it to be even faster with streamlining our existing features and functionality. And if I had — because of the additional resources — more free time at hand, I would try to implement nifty Calc chart visualizations with the OpenGL Shading Language that you can walk/fly around in. But dont tell anyone, as it would only be fun if I do it myself!
We have a DevRoom at FOSDEM!
15 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaLibreOffice has a DevRoom at FOSDEM!
FOSDEM is the premier open source developers conference, and the most significant developers conference for LibreOffice after the annual LibreOffice conference. Please find time to come if you can. Talk submissions about the LibreOffice project is welcome: development, infrastructure, marketing, code overviews, specific features etc. but must have a focus on, and be accessible to developers.
Here’s our Call for Papers:
public BoD phone conferences every 2nd Wednesday
14 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - Um comentárioI am happy to announce, that the TDF BoD calls will take place every 2nd Wednesday at 1600 UTC, starting on November 16th, 2011, and are scheduled to run for one hour. Most calls will be public, but according to our Bylaws, there might be private calls as well. Their contents will be, in accordance with our Bylaws, be made public as soon as and when possible.
For every other week, i.e. on those Wednesdays when no calls are scheduled, we reserve the time slot for ad-hoc calls if they are needed. For urgent matters, ad-hoc calls can of course take place also on other days.
As usual, for the public calls, we welcome questions and comments from the audience, everyone who dials in can speak directly.
In order to help running the calls, please add your agenda items in advance to the public wiki, where also the dial-in details can be found. The appropriate page is:
Looking forward to hearing you soon!
Firefox 9 Beta já está disponível para computadores e Android
14 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaA Mozilla disponibilizou a versão de testes da nona geração do navegador. Com interface intacta, a nova Raposa de Fogo vem para facilitar as buscas no Twitter, fornecer melhorias no gerenciamento de complementos, possibilitar um melhor controle das abas e aprimorar o desempenho com conteúdo HTML5.
O novo Firefox ainda está em fase Beta, todavia, vem para mostrar que a Mozilla não estava brincando quando trabalharia pesado na atualização do software. A nona versão não trouxe maiores mudanças nos quesitos visuais do navegador, mas sim melhorias no suporte para os padrões HTML5, MathML e CSS, além de otimização no desempenho do JavaScript.
Vale lembrar que esta é uma versão do navegador que está em fase de aprimoramento. Por isso, ela ainda pode apresentar instabilidade e o ideal é não utilizá-la como o browser padrão do computador.
Seus complementos, suas escolhas
Para quem pulou direto para a versão 9 do navegador, (sem testar a anterior), pode perceber algumas mudanças logo na primeira utilização. A primeira delas é exibida durante o carregamento do navegador. Antes que o usuário visualize a interface do aplicativo, uma janela questiona quanto aos complementos que o usuário usa, permitindo que o usuário desabilite aquelas que não têm mais utilidade.
Tal ferramenta vem para diminuir a quantidade de memória consumida e dar maior controle ao usuário sobre os complementos que estão instalados no navegador. O Firefox monitora todos os complementos instalados e vem configurado para alertar o usuário cada vez que um outro aplicativo instala uma extensão.
Desse modo, antes mesmo que o navegador seja aberto, o usuário pode cancelar a execução do complemento instalado sem permissão ou indesejado. Isso permite que o utilizador acabe com a infinidade de barras de pesquisa que poluem a interface e tenha controle total sobre o navegador.
Busque no Twitter diretamente pela Barra de pesquisas
A principal novidade do navegador vem para agradar aos usuários do microblog mais famoso do mundo. A funcionalidade que antes era adicionada com um complemento, agora vem instalada por padrão no aplicativo. Os usuários podem pesquisar palavras, usuários (com o uso do @) e hashtags (com o caracter # antes da palavra).
O Firefox abre a pesquisa em uma nova abra, listando os resultados em ordem cronológica. A funcionalidade de busca é do próprio Twitter, sendo que o recurso do navegador serve como um simples atalho.
Melhorias nas abas
A segunda funcionalidade interessante diz respeito à restauração de abas durante a inicialização do navegador. O Firefox 9 abre todas as abas que estavam presentes na última sessão e armazena o endereço de cada uma. Todavia, o navegador só vai carregar os conteúdos quando o usuário clicar sobre a aba que deseja utilizar.
Tal funcionalidade serve para o navegador economizar memória RAM e diminuir o tempo de carregamento durante o início da sessão. Para ativar a função basta acessar o menu “Ferramentas”, abrir as “Opções” e marcar a caixa “Só carregar abas ao selecionar” (a qual aparece na aba Geral).
Outra mudança quanto à funcionalidade das abas diz respeito à animação na hora de reordená-las. Ao contrário das versões anteriores, a nona versão não exibe uma janela transparente e flechinhas ao lado das abas. A nova configuração deixa o navegador mais parecido com o Google Chrome. Vale salientar que se o usuário arrastar a aba para baixo, o conteúdo será aberto em uma nova janela — assim como acontecia nas versões antigas.
Ainda mais veloz e pronto para o HTML5
As novidades quanto ao HTML5 são mais úteis aos desenvolvedores, todavia, o usuário acabará sendo beneficiado com os futuros sites e aplicações que aproveitarão o novo padrão. De acordo com o blog oficial da Mozilla, o Firefox 8 vem com o recurso CORS para WebGL, funcionalidade que permitirá o carregamento de texturas a partir de outros domínios.
Além disso, o usuário poderá notar em breve que algumas páginas com HTML5 terão menus de contextos personalizados (assim como ocorre com os jogos e aplicativos em Flash). Outra mudança acontecerá na quantidade de vídeos e arquivos de áudio que poderão ser carregados numa mesma página com HTML5 sem afetar o desempenho do navegador. Isso será possível graças aos elementos de mídia que acompanham a nona versão da Raposa de Fogo.
Ainda melhor do que as versões anteriores
Apesar de ainda estar em fase de testes, o Firefox 9 já demonstra ser preparado para a web. O navegador alcança a pontuação máxima no teste Acid3 (algo que já tinha sido conquistado na sétima versão), mantém o baixo consumo de memória e ainda traz mais recursos — além dos supracitados — do que o antecessor.
A nona versão, mesmo que em estágio Beta, já apresenta diversas vantagens para quem busca um software maduro e rápido para navegação. Claro, não é recomendada a utilização na atual fase de desenvolvimento, pois apesar de estar recheada de recursos, a quantidade de bugs ainda pode afetar o desempenho e pode trazer certa insegurança para quem acessa sites particulares.
Nossa Opinião
Nossos testes com o Firefox 9 Beta foram muito agradáveis. O software apresentou extrema estabilidade e ótimo desempenho para carregar páginas dos mais variados tipos. O navegador conseguiu se igualar a versão anterior em muitos quesitos, como no baixo consumo de memória e nos resultados do Acid3.
Todavia, o que mais nos surpreendeu foram os novos recursos, que permitem maior controle dos recursos e interação facilitada com o Twitter. Sem dúvida alguma, tais funcionalidades fazem da oitava versão uma excelente opção para usuários que buscam um navegador inovador e ágil.
Durante nossas verificações, pudemos notar que o Firefox 9 apresenta certa incompatibilidade com diversas extensões. Talvez com a atualização por parte das desenvolvedoras, o problema seja resolvido. Contudo, usuários que desejam testar a oitava versão e possuem muitos complementos devem tomar cuidado quanto a esse empecilho.
A instalação do Firefox 9 é muito rápida e a utilização é agradável, motivos que fazem da Raposa de Fogo, mesmo em fase de testes, uma das melhores opções para quem deseja alta velocidade e opções de personalização. Recomendamos a oitava versão do aplicativo apenas para usuários que não trabalham com informações importantes na web, visto que o browser ainda tem muitos erros — ainda que não tenhamos percebido nada durante nossa análise.
Firefox para Android pode ficar mais rápido
14 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaSão Paulo - O diretor de engenharia do Firefox, Johnathan Nightingale, revelou em uma lista de e-mails que o navegador da Mozilla irá convergir para a interface nativa do Android.
A mudança enterra a tecnologia XUL, que é utilizada pela Mozilla muito antes de existir o Firefox. Utilizar a interface nativa do sistema pode acarretar em início mais rápido, menos uso de memória e movimentos mais inteligentes para zoou e navegação, afirmou Nightingale. "[O] Firefox é uma parte crítica do suporte à web aberta e essa decisão nos coloca em uma posição para construir o melhor Firefox possível".
Em comparação ao navegador do Android, o tempo de início, carregamento das páginas e navegação de fato colocam a Mozilla atualmente no segundo escalão do sistema do Google. Com as mudanças, que devem alegrar um grande número de fás do Firefox por suas vantagens, como awesome Bar, Firefox Sync e menos consumo de bateria, o navegador pode finalmente incluir a Mozilla na briga pela navegação móvel.
A mudança não será implementada nas versões aurora e beta do Fennec que já estão rodando, mas também não há nenhuma informação sobre sua primeira aparição. Até o momento, a informação é que o novo Firefox para Android manterá o Gecko para processar páginas. Abandonar o XUL, no entanto, deve oferecer desafios e complicações para quem desenvolveu add-ons.
Nightingale destaca que "até o final da semana teremos uma visão mais clara do trabalho".
* fontes:
LibreOffice mail accounts
10 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaBack in the days of, contributors to the project were entitled to get an e-mail address they could use for their project-related work. With LibreOffice, at the moment only official spokespersons and members of the BoD and MC have a e-mail address.
We at TDF strongly believe in contributors identifying themselves with the work they do, with the community they’re engaged in, and with the software they develop, translate, document, market, provide infrastructure for and give users support for. Having an e-mail address that reflects their affiliation not only helps in making the community and the program better known, but also shows our apprecation and admiration for everyone contributing to their success.
I’m thus delighted to announce that, within the next weeks, we will be starting to provide e-mail addresses. They will not be only forwarders, but thanks to a generous sponsor, we will be able to offer IMAP mailboxes with 500 MB storage for free to everyone who is a Member of The Document Foundation. We’ll communicate more details directly to Members.
LibreOffice mail accounts
10 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaBack in the days of, contributors to the project were entitled to get an e-mail address they could use for their project-related work. With LibreOffice, at the moment only official spokespersons and members of the BoD and MC have a e-mail address.
We at TDF strongly believe in contributors identifying themselves with the work they do, with the community they’re engaged in, and with the software they develop, translate, document, market, provide infrastructure for and give users support for. Having an e-mail address that reflects their affiliation not only helps in making the community and the program better known, but also shows our apprecation and admiration for everyone contributing to their success.
I’m thus delighted to announce that, within the next weeks, we will be starting to provide e-mail addresses. They will not be only forwarders, but thanks to a generous sponsor, we will be able to offer IMAP mailboxes with 500 MB storage for free to everyone who is a Member of The Document Foundation. We’ll communicate more details directly to Members.
TDF announces its new Membership Committee
9 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaThe Document Foundation is proud to announce its new Membership Committee today. The following individuals are its members:
- André Schnabel
- Fridrich Strba
- Norbert Thiebaud
- Simon Phipps
- Sophie Gautier
The following individuals are its deputies:
- Cor Nouws
- Drew Jensen
The process of their nomination has been discussed publically. The role of the Membership Committee is defined in the Community Bylaws. Its mission is to administer membership applications and renewals, following the criteria defined in the Membership section of the Community Bylaws.
The Board of Directors congratulates the elected seat holders, looks forward to working with them in the future, and wishes them success in their so very important work for the Foundation.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,
Florian Effenberger
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.4.4
9 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaLibreOffice on stage at the Libre Software World Conference in Zaragoza
The Internet, November 9, 2011 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.4.4, an improved version of the award-winning free office suite for Windows, Mac and Linux. LibreOffice has recently won InfoWorld’s BOSSIE Award 2011 as Best of Open Source Software, and the Open World Forum Experiment Award of Most-Popular Software.
SUSE’s Andras Timar, who manages the LibreOffice localization effort, says, “Thanks to the contribution of Michael Bauer, a volunteer who took the long-time-abandoned Scottish Gaelic version and produced a complete UI translation in just a few months, LibreOffice 3.4.4 adds yet another native-language version, bringing the total to 105. This shows the unparalleled value of copyleft licenses for end user software, as LibreOffice is now the most-important office suite when it comes to protecting cultural heritage worldwide, especially when the number of native speakers is not sufficiently attractive for large corporations to devote localization resources to.”
Today, TDF and LibreOffice will also be on stage at the Libre Software World Conference (LSWC) in Zaragoza, where Jesus Corrius – a deputy member of the TDF Board of Directors – will keynote about “TDF: the home of LibreOffice”. LSWC is the most-prominent free software event in Spain, and the presence of a member of the TDF Board of Directors is a testimonial of the efforts that the project is devoting to developing a large and diverse Spanish-speaking community, in which each local community in Europe and the Americas can grow and thrive within a single global project.
LibreOffice 3.4.4 is available for immediate download from the following link: Extensions for LibreOffice are available from the following link:
Change logs are available at (fixed in and (fixed in
A The Document Foundation anuncia a nova versão da suite LibreOffice 3.4.4
9 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaLibreOffice em foco na Libre Software World Conference em Saragossa
A Internet, 9 de Novembro de 2011 -- A The Document Foundation (TDF) anuncia o LibreOffice 3.4.4, versão melhorada da premiada suíte livre de escritório para Windows, MacOS e Linux. O LibreOffice foi recentemente premiado pelo InfoWorld BOSSIE Award 2011 como melhor software de código Aberto e pelo Open World Forum Experiment Award como software mais popular.
Andras Timar, desenvolvedor da SUSE que gerencia o projeto de localização e tradução do projeto, afirmou "Acrescentamos o idioma escocês gaélico com a ajuda de nosso voluntário Michael Bauer, provando que nossa opção pelo copyleft agrega um excepcional valor para o usuário final, pois hoje o LibreOffice é a suíte de escritório mais importante na proteção da herança cultural a nível mundial, especialmente quando o número de pessoas desses idiomas não interessa para as grandes empresas de software."
Hoje, a TDF e o LibreOffice estarão em foco na Libre Software World Conference em Saragossa, onde Jesus Corrius - Suplente do Conselho Diretor da TDF- falará sobre "TDF: o lar do LibreOffice". O LSWC é o evento de software livre mais proeminente para a comunidade do idioma castelhano e a presença de um membro do Conselho Diretor da TDF é um testemunho dos esforços que o projeto conduz para a grande comunidade usuários hispânicos, onde cada comunidade local na Europa e nas Américas pode crescer a participar de um único projeto global.
O LibreOffice 3.4.4 já está disponível:
Características da Versão, clique aqui..
Extensões pata o LibreOffice estão disponíveis em:
As alterações no código podem ser vistas em:*.
Blog da The Document Foundation:
*Sobre o LibreOffice*
O LibreOffice é a suíte de programas de escritório livre e de código fonte aberto da The Document Foundation, para Windows, Macintosh e GNU/Linux, que oferece seis programas de muitos recursos para uma ampla gama de produção de documentos e necessidades de processamento de dados: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math e Base. O suporte e a documentação são fornecidos por uma ampla comunidade de empresas, usuários, contribuidores individuais e desenvolvedores. Estimamos em 25 milhões de usuários no mundo, em dados de 30 de setembro de 2011.
*Sobre a The Document Foundation (TDF)*
A The Document Foundation é uma organização aberta, independente, autogovernada, meritocrática, montada sobre os dez anos de trabalho dedicados para a comunidade A TDF foi criada na crença de que a cultura de uma fundação independente agrega o melhor dos esforços de empresas e de voluntários, produzirá a melhor suíte de escritório. A TDF está de braços abertos a qualquer indivíduo que concorde com seus valores primordiais, que contribua com para suas atividades, e recebe calorosamente a participação de empresas, por exemplo, através de alocação de pessoal que trabalhe de igual para igual com os demais contribuidores da comunidade. Em 30 de setembro de 2011, a TDF tem 136 membros e mais de mil voluntários e contribuidores ao redor do mundo.
*Contatos para Mídia*
Florian Effenberger - Alemanha
Fone: +49 8341 99660880
Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff
Olivier Hallot - Brazil
Mobile: +55 21 88228812
Charles H. Schulz - França
Mobile: +33 6 98655424
Italo Vignoli - Itália
Fone: +39 02 320621813
Mobile: +39 348 5653829
Skype: italovignoli
LibreOffice e TDF, agora estamos no Google +
9 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaSe você estiver usando Google +, rede social do Google, a partir de hoje, você pode mostrar seu apoio e apreço a LibreOffice e TDF. Nós criamos nossos próprios sites lá, e convidamos você a se juntar a nós!
- The Document Foundation:
- LibreOffice:
- Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil:
* fonte: The Document Foundation Blog
We’re at Google+
8 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaIf you are using Google+, Google’s social network, from today on, you can show your support and appreciation to LibreOffice and TDF. We have created our own sites there, and invite you to join us!
- The Document Foundation:
- LibreOffice:
Amigo André Gondim: sudo apt-get install descanse-em-paz-guerreiro
7 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaOlá pessoal,
Aqui é o Allisson, amigo do André, estive postando aqui em 2008 quando o André esteve ganhando seus novos pulmões, hoje me senti na obrigação de tecer algumas breves palavras sobre o meu amigo.
André foi um irmão, não de sangue, mas de coração, ele era especialista em cativar as pessoas, seu bom humor era um presente que ele dava a todos que estavam perto dele. Sempre foi um guerreiro, nunca se acovardou diante das dificuldades, não lembro um só dia de ver o meu amigo murmurando sobre a vida, sempre esteve disposto a ajudar a todos, foi um grande confidente.
Passamos juntos por alegrias e decepções em nossas vidas, ele sempre foi o irmão pronto para me ajudar.
Hoje (dia 3/novembro/2011 ) é um dia de muita dor, está bem difícil escrever esse post, mas para mim existe um motivo para comemorar: André Gondim viveu, viveu o que tinha de viver, nunca se escondeu atrás da sua doença, nunca foi um covarde, amou seu amigos, amou sua família, amou sua mulher, cumpriu seu papel com louvor aqui.
É muito difícil aceitar e deixar você partir guerreiro, mas eu tenho que te deixar ir brilhar em outro lugar.
Obrigado por ter cruzado a minha vida, do seu amigo Allisson.
* Fonte e Homenagens ao amigo André Gondim, clique aqui.....
Faleceu André Gondim, um dos ícones do Ubuntu - Ubuntu Dicas
Morre André Gondim, um dos ícones do Ubuntu no Brasil – iMasters
Morre Andre Gondim: uma grande perda para o Software Livre ...
Morre Andre Gondim | Cotidiano Linux
Status quo on the Foundation, October 2011
30 de Outubro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaIt has been a while since I have blogged about the Foundation status, but the Steering Committee have been very active on this topic in the meantime. Now that we are handing over to the new Board of Directors, it is good to document where we have reached.
First, we are delighted that the elections of the first BoD are now official. As promised, the Steering Committee has ceased its existence, and the TDF members voted on the new BoD in an open, transparent and meritocratic way. Gratifyingly, the Members have elected the core of the former Steering Committee onto the Board and I’m thus able to use “we” interchangeably in this report! The next election to take place will be the one of the Membership Committee, so expect an official announcement on that soon.
On to the status of incorporation. As previously planned, we approached three German federal states, and got very valuable feedback from them. One of our three candidates showed very strong support and is most likely to be the final location for The Document Foundation. We don’t want to pre-empt any result and therefore will not communicate the state’s name in public, but the secret will hopefully be revealed very soon.
We have included many improvements into the legally binding statutes, based on extensive input from many sources. We are right now in the process of translating the German legalese into English, so our new Board of Directors can make a final review. Based on the Board’s decision, we will hand over the documents to the authorities and hope for a positive reply. As soon as we receive that, the legal setup of the Foundation will be started and we will finally be incorporated.
We’d like to take the chance to respond to some questions on the process of legally establishing our entity. It has indeed taken much longer than we had initially expected, and we have to admit that our estimation on the necessary timeframe was wrong. However, the whole lengthy process has been educational and has led to a much more considered outcome. Together with the community, we have worked extensively on bylaws we wanted to have reflected in the legal entity of the Foundation.
In contrast to the the former model of having a single corporate sponsor – and different to what many other legal vehicles could provide – the Foundation we are creating guarantees endurance, safety and stability for the whole community, both for end-users and for private as well as corporate contributors. It also gives the community very strong rights. While previously – legally speaking – any community rules were arbitrary, the rights given to community members in this new model are not only binding, but legally enforceable by every single member.
Again: The rights we promised will be legally binding and enforceable by our members. There are not many – if any at all – communities giving such strong rights to their members. Creating such an intentionally durable and strong structure from the beginning is uncommon and we found that this has been something innovative and new for our advisors as well as the authorities, which has led to the slow progress we’ve encountered.
We invested lots of time to express fundamental and legally binding rights for our community and that task has admittedly proved enormous. But the time invested so far is justified by the goals we wanted to achieve from day one – an open, transparent and meritocratic organization, independent from any corporate sponsor and designed specifically for the purposes of The Document Foundation rather than borrowed from elsewhere. We are sure spending this time has been very much worth it.
Document Foundation Board 2011: Final Results
29 de Outubro de 2011, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaSimon Phipps posted this today to the announcement mailing list:
“Having received no objections to the preliminary election results I posted on October 20th within the period described in the election rules, it is now my pleasure to declare the results of the 2011 Board elections for The Document Foundation.
I declare the following Members of The Document Foundation duly elected as Board Members:
- Thorsten Behrens
- Florian Effenberger
- Olivier Hallot
- Michael Meeks
- Caolán McNamara
- Charles-H Schulz
- Italo Vignoli
I declare the following Members of The Document Foundation duly elected as Deputies:
- Jesús Corrius
- Andreas Mantke
- Bjoern Michaelsen
Full election materials can be found at
Thanks for the opportunity to contribute to The Document Foundation in this way, and congratulations to the Board members on their election.”