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public BoD phone conferences every 2nd Wednesday

14 de Novembro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 1Um comentário | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 314 vezes

I am happy to announce, that the TDF BoD calls will take place every 2nd Wednesday at 1600 UTC, starting on November 16th, 2011, and are scheduled to run for one hour. Most calls will be public, but according to our Bylaws, there might be private calls as well. Their contents will be, in accordance with our Bylaws, be made public as soon as and when possible.

For every other week, i.e. on those Wednesdays when no calls are scheduled, we reserve the time slot for ad-hoc calls if they are needed. For urgent matters, ad-hoc calls can of course take place also on other days.

As usual, for the public calls, we welcome questions and comments from the audience, everyone who dials in can speak directly.

In order to help running the calls, please add your agenda items in advance to the public wiki, where also the dial-in details can be found. The appropriate page is:

Looking forward to hearing you soon!


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