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New and changed functions; you can experience and test them … now!

11 de Maio de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 279 vezes

Without doubt you are very much interested in the latest news for LibreOffice and the new and improved functions that will be in the next version!
Now, this is your chance to both get to know these and to help the developers working on all this!
You can simply download the latest nightly build, and install it on your computer. It will be placed beside your current LibreOffice. (Or you may want to do a custom parallel installation.) Look at the features of your desire or that you work with most, and give some feedback. Simple as that.
Found something worth a bug-report? Then this page will help you. There also is a list with the people that are there to help you helping! For that list and for genereal information in LibreOffice QA, look here (warning: it’s a lot ;-) ).

Now… features and functions added or worked on recently are:

  • The file picker now has a list of bookmarks, 2012-04-02, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Added Presentationsize 16:9 Widescreen, 2012-04-18, commit message / info, related issue: 42986.
  • Add a “Save cell formulas” checkbox to the CSV Export panel, 2012-04-21, commit message / info, related issue: 45664.
  • Propert sort SelectionTree control of Custom Setup with a custom action for all languages, 2012-04-24, commit message / info, related issue: 46355.
  • Border width in Calc and Writer tables, lots of ongoing fixes…
  • RTF import improvements, lots of ongoing fixes…
  • Install only one language on Windows during silent install, 2012-04-25, commit message / info, related issue: 40481.
  • Enable insertion of OLE objects into external applications, 2012-04-26, commit message / info, related issue: 47944.
  • Paragraph and lists: don’t overwrite numbering properties with paragraph properties, 2012-04-26, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Make detection of certificate folder ui-configurable, 2012-04-27, commit message / info, related issue: 39825.
  • Ruler: implemented new design, 2012-04-27, commit message / info, related mail on the list.
  • Cleaned up command line arguments, behaviour has been changed slightly, 2012-05-02, commit message / info, related issue: –.
  • Autoformat in tables saving more information, such as column width, margins, text orientation, 2012-05-03, commit message / info, related issue: 31005.
  • Wiki-publisher: media-wiki export was broken (testing highly appreciated to add fix to 3.5 branch!), 2012-05-09, commit message / info, related issue: 46509.

This is the first post in what we expect will be a long series. We hope it’s useful and look forward to feedback, results and suggestions!


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