TDF announces the LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party to improve the quality and stability of the best free office suite ever
Berlin, June 29, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the LibreOffice 3.6 bug hunting party, to be held in a virtual environment on July 6 and 7, 2012.
Volunteer bug hunters will gather on the Internet from the five continents to spot software problems of the upcoming new major release, featuring a large number of improvements and new functions, in order to make LibreOffice 3.6 again the best free office suite ever.
Participating is easy, and fun.
Details are available at the wiki of The Document Foundation, where one can also find a comprehensive list of LibreOffice 3.6 new and improved features.
All you need to join is a PC with Windows, MacOS X or Linux, and LibreOffice 3.6 Beta 3 (or Beta 2), plus a lot of enthusiasm.
The LibreOffice 3.6 Beta is to be downloaded from the pre-releases web-page.
Filing bugs will be easy, thanks to the improved bug submitting assistant and the help of several experienced people who will be around to help users and supporters with tips, on the QA mailing list ( and IRC channel (irc://, where many people are expected to join from 8AM to 10PM UTC on both days.
And of course there is a webpage withinformation on filing bugs.
People joining the LibreOffice Bug Hunt Parties not only do so for hunting new bugs. Checking and possibly categorising already submitted bugs also is a popular and interesting activity.
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