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Community Meetings at LibOCon

28 de Junho de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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As previously announced, the next LibreOffice Conference will take place from

    October 17th to 19th
    in Berlin, Germany

with the Call for Papers currently running (, and the final program to be announced in early September.

All three days of the conference are open for the general public. In addition, on

    October 16th
    i.e. one day before the official Conference

we will, in good tradition, host the so-called Community Meetings. While they are not per se private, they are – in comparison to the rest of the Conference – mainly targetted towards existing project members, and take place in form of meetings and workshops rather than lectures.

Currently planned are meetings for the following groups:

  • Board of Directors
  • Advisory Board
  • Membership Committee
  • Engineering Steering Committee
  • regional groups, like the German, French, Italian or Brazilian community
  • marketing
  • website
  • design and user experience
  • QA and localization
  • system administrator and infrastructure
  • certification

If you are part of any of those groups, committees or bodies, we strongly recommend planning your trip so you can attend on October 16th already. The Community Meetings serve the purpose to meet your fellow colleagues and friends, discuss the successes of the last twelve months, and plan the achievements of the next year.

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!


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