This morning I’ve messed things up in my env…
I did a commit yesterday and thought I had pushed it, but not.
Today I did a git pull and was asked to do a merge, because there were changes in the remote.
I totally ignored this (don’t ask me why, perhaps absence of coffee…) and did a git reset –hard HEAD^^
So, yep, I lost my commit that existed only in my machine (this commit in particular was a file addition).
After blaming myself a lot, and a bit of google search, I’ve found this amazing blog post:
I’m summarizing here the steps to have your commit (in my case, the file) back:
git fsck --no-reflog
This command will return a hash for the lost commit, something like
dangling commit fafeade9f348b18f37835ab49dab40172efde693
You can use this hash to do a checkout, for instance, and recover your file. \o/
So, let’s have a bit of coffee now
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