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Software livre Brasil

Jonh Wendell


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Parasite, wake up!

18 de Dezembro de 2013, 15:10 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hi there!

In the last weeks I’ve been working on GTK+ themes, customizing some apps, and I missed the tools we have on the web world that allow us to to some live editing on CSS.

I remembered we had Parasite, a tool similar to Firebug, but for GTK+ apps. Unfortunately it didn’t support CSS tweaking. But it does now! I’ve made some improvements on it mainly to allow live editing of CSS, but not limited to that.

Some changes so far:

  • Live editing of CSS, for the whole application, or only for the selected widget
  • Ability to add/remove a CSS class for a specific widget. (Editing of pseudo-classes like :hover is planned)
  • In the Property inspector, if a property itself is another Object, we can also inspect it. (For example, you can inspect a Buffer inside a TextView)
  • A bit of UI change

I have made a small video showing the improvements:

Link to the video

The code is on the usual place, github:

Please, test it and file bugs/wishes/pull requests. /me is now wearing the maintainer hat :)

Note: it requires GTK+ 3.10 (and optionally python+gobject introspection for the python shell)


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