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Software livre Brasil

Jonh Wendell


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27 de Maio de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

Recovering lost files after a git reset –hard

2 de Outubro de 2014, 10:31, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

This morning I’ve messed things up in my env…

I did a commit yesterday and thought I had pushed it, but not.
Today I did a git pull and was asked to do a merge, because there were changes in the remote.

I totally ignored this (don’t ask me why, perhaps absence of coffee…) and did a git reset –hard HEAD^^

So, yep, I lost my commit that existed only in my machine (this commit in particular was a file addition).

After blaming myself a lot, and a bit of google search, I’ve found this amazing blog post:

I’m summarizing here the steps to have your commit (in my case, the file) back:

git fsck --no-reflog

This command will return a hash for the lost commit, something like

dangling commit fafeade9f348b18f37835ab49dab40172efde693

You can use this hash to do a checkout, for instance, and recover your file. \o/

So, let’s have a bit of coffee now :)

Moving on

1 de Outubro de 2014, 14:36, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda


Hi guys, I’d like to share with you the news that my family and some friends already know: Since last month I’m not working at Intel anymore.

For those whom don’t know my history, I’ll summarize it here:

  • About 3 years ago I left my home city to the biggest one in Brazil (São Paulo) to experience a full time Linux job
  • The instability of my department at the time led me to look for another job; Then I got that opportunity at Intel
  • Intel OTC office is located in Campinas (120km far away from São Paulo)
  • After more than one year having to travel about 240km every day I had to make a decision: Move to Campinas or leave Intel.

It was not an easy decision. I have a family and I didn’t want to affect them again with a city change. On the other side, Intel is a great company and people at OTC Campinas are amazing.

So, two weeks ago I started working for an IT Security company, working again with Embedded Linux and with Open Source technologies. Oh, 8km (15 min) far from my home :).

That’s it, I hope to blog a bit more now, as I used to do in the past. See you!


Oi gente, gostaria de compartilhar uma novidade com vocês, que minha família e alguns amigos já sabem: Desde o mês passado que eu não trabalho mais na Intel.

Pra quem não conhece minha história, vou resumir aqui:

  • Cerca de 3 anos atrás eu mudei de Maceió, minha cidade natal pra São Paulo, pra trabalhar exclusivamente com Linux
  • Alguns problemas no meu departamento me levaram a buscar outro trabalho; Aí que entra a Intel
  • O escritório onde fui alocado (OTC, Open Source Technology Center) fica em Campinas, distante 120km de São Paulo
  • Depois de mais de 1 ano viajando cerca de 240km todos os dias eu tinha que tomar uma decisão: Mudar pra Campinas ou sair da Intel

Com certeza não foi uma decisão fácil. Tenho uma família e não queria afetá-los com mais uma mudança de cidade. Por outro lado, a Intel é uma ótima empresa e o pessoal do OTC Campinas é ótimo.

Então… duas semanas atrás comecei a trabalhar para uma empresa de segurança em TI, voltei a trabalhar com Linux embarcado e com Open Source de fato. Ah, e a 8km (15min) de casa :).

É isso, gente. Espero voltar a blogar com mais frequencia, como no passado. Até mais!

Parasite, wake up!

18 de Dezembro de 2013, 15:10, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Hi there!

In the last weeks I’ve been working on GTK+ themes, customizing some apps, and I missed the tools we have on the web world that allow us to to some live editing on CSS.

I remembered we had Parasite, a tool similar to Firebug, but for GTK+ apps. Unfortunately it didn’t support CSS tweaking. But it does now! I’ve made some improvements on it mainly to allow live editing of CSS, but not limited to that.

Some changes so far:

  • Live editing of CSS, for the whole application, or only for the selected widget
  • Ability to add/remove a CSS class for a specific widget. (Editing of pseudo-classes like :hover is planned)
  • In the Property inspector, if a property itself is another Object, we can also inspect it. (For example, you can inspect a Buffer inside a TextView)
  • A bit of UI change

I have made a small video showing the improvements:

Link to the video

The code is on the usual place, github:

Please, test it and file bugs/wishes/pull requests. /me is now wearing the maintainer hat :)

Note: it requires GTK+ 3.10 (and optionally python+gobject introspection for the python shell)

Joining Intel

10 de Maio de 2013, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Today is my last day at Oi WiFi.

It has been 1 year and a half since I moved from my small city (Maceió) to the biggest, craziest Brazilian city, São Paulo. I don’t regret!

I’m lucky to have joined a great company (Vex at the time. Oi WiFi nowadays), with great people where I learnt a lot. I’m glad for the things I helped to improve, I’m sure we have better products than before and I’m proud to be part of that progress. I leave as legacy the spirit of the Free Software, where we can (and should) contribute back to projects we use and improve internally. Every improvement we made here we submitted back to projects like Openwrt, busybox, glib, etc.
However things and priorities in the company have changed a bit in the last few months. Time to look for a new challenge in my career.

What a challenge!

At Intel I’ll join the OTC – Intel Open Source Technology Center, and will work on Open Source projects such as Tizen, EFL, Webkit and hopefully GTK+ :)
The team I’ll work with is formed by the former Profusion company, acquired by Intel in the beginning of the year. Profusion was a company that I admired even before it was acquired by Intel :)

I’m very excited to join Intel. It’s a great opportunity in a great company and I don’t want to disappoint them!

I hope to publish here very soon the things I’m working on under the Intel umbrella. See you!

Shell script that updates itself

9 de Abril de 2013, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Recently I needed to write a shell script that updates itself, and, surprising, I found it an easy job to do. I will share the recipe here.

In my use case, I’m developing a kind of software updater and, before updating the system packages, I need to check if there is a new version of this software updater. If there is, then I update myself and run my new copy on-the-fly.

Enough talk, show me the code. I’ll paste here a simple shell script that talks by itself:



check_upgrade () {

  # check if there is a new version of this file
  # here, hypothetically we check if a file exists in the disk.
  # it could be an apt/yum check or whatever...
  [ -f "$NEW_FILE" ] && {

    # install a new version of this file or package
    # again, in this example, this is done by just copying the new file
    echo "Found a new version of me, updating myself..."
    rm -f "$NEW_FILE"

    # note that at this point this file was overwritten in the disk
    # now run this very own file, in its new version!
    echo "Running the new version..."

    # now exit this old instance
    exit 0

  echo "I'm VERSION $VERSION, already the latest version."

main () {
  # main script stuff
  echo "Hello World! I'm the version $VERSION of the script"


To try this script:
1) save it somewhere
2) save a copy of it at /tmp/ (as pointed at line 5)
3) modify the variable “VERSION” (line 6) of that copy, to, say, “2.0″.
4) run the original script (not the one at /tmp)

You will see that the script updated itself and ran the “new” 2.0 version.

Try running again the original script (step 4 above). See the difference? It doesn’t update itself anymore, because it is the “latest” version.

A small thing you might notice: at line 19, I deleted the “new file”. That’s merely for this educational example, that we check if there’s a new version of the script by just checking if a file exists in the disk. On real life (with apt/yum or any smarter process) this is not needed as our check for a new version (line 13) will naturally fail.

This was tested with bash, dash and busybox’s ash. Worked fine.

I hope it’s useful to someone. Comments are welcome!