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27 de Maio de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Compartilhando Idéias para multiplica-las, multiplique suas idéias.

Gerando senha pré-determinada com microtime(); e time(); com PHP

20 de Agosto de 2009, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 1Um comentário

Ola pessoal, este post vale pra dar uma força em criptografia.

No caso este codigo de minha autoria gera uma senha para encriptação de dados por um codigo publico baseado no microtime(); e time(); do PHP, com uma classe geradora de probabilidades de sequencias de caracteres.


exemplo em impressão:

Partes geradas pelas variareis das funções do microtime() e time().

Codigo Parte 1: 5422
Codigo Parte 2: 26821
Codigo Parte 3: 57912


Senha usada pra emcriptação dos dados:

Senha (privada) para criptografia: 2b8d1a3cb82dc8b372


Codigo Publico (pode ser usado em cookie ou sessão).

Codigo para recuperar senha da criptografia: 54222682157912




CODIGO  PHP4, 5, 5.2

* Class CB
* ________________________________________________________________________
* @author    jonatan villela - Jonatan Design Web -
* @site
* @date        26/08/2009 - 00:13 AM
* @compatibility    PHP4, 5, 5.2
* @version    1.7 testada

$time = time(); //

//Selecionando partes da variavel $time;

$t1 = substr($time, 0, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$t2 = substr($time, 2, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$t3 = substr($time, 4, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$t4 = substr($time, 6, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$t5 = substr($time, 8, 2); //. "<BR>"; //
$t6 = substr($time, 9, 10); //. "<BR>"; //

$time_SP = "::" . $t2 . "::" . $t3 . "::" . $t4 . "::" . $t5;

$micro = microtime();

$m1 = substr($micro, 0, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$m2 = substr($micro, 2, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$m3 = substr($micro, 4, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$m4 = substr($micro, 6, 2);// . "<BR>"; //
$m5 = substr($micro, 8, 2); //. "<BR>"; //



//correção de bug microtime
if($m2 < 10){

$m2 = rand(11,99);


$m2_parte_2 = substr($m2, 0, 1);// . "<BR>"; //

if($m2_parte_2 >= 6){

$m2_parte_2 = rand(1,5);


$m2_parte_1 = substr($m2, 1, 1);// . "<BR>"; //

if($m2_parte_1 >= 6 || $m2_parte_1 < 1){

$m2_parte_1 = rand(1,5);


echo $m2_parte_1 ."<BR>";
echo $m2_parte_2 ."<BR>";

$micro_SP = $m2. $t6 . $t6 . "::" . $m2_parte_1 . $m3 .$t4 . "::" . $m2_parte_2 . $m4 . $t5  ;

echo $micro_SP ."<BR>";

$micro_partes = explode("::", $micro_SP);

echo 'Codigo Parte 1: '. $micro_partes[0] ."<BR>";
echo 'Codigo Parte 2: '. $micro_partes[1] ."<BR>";
echo 'Codigo Parte 3: '. $micro_partes[2] ."<BR>";

//Gerando Senha predeterminda (senha de criptografia) pelos codigos gerados do microtime e time.

$container = Array(  '2','1','d','3','8','7','a','b','c'    /*'j','o','n','a','t','a','n',*/);
$c = &new CB(''); // note that separator('-') is optional
$matches = &$c->result( $container, 6, "Pn" ); // 2 is the class or combination possibility, Pn is the method

// METHODS TO CALCULATE: Pn - Pn(k) - Dn,k - D'n,k - Cn,k - C'n,k

//  Exemplo de impressao das arrays

//   echo count( $matches );
//   echo '<pre>';
//   var_dump( $matches );
//   echo '</pre>';


//  Identificando sequencias por array
$Ss1 = $matches[$micro_partes[0]]; //para fazer o reverso parte1
$Ss2 = $matches[$micro_partes[1]]; //para fazer o reverso parte2
$Ss3 = $matches[$micro_partes[2]]; //para fazer o reverso parte3 dos codigo publico

$senha = 'Senha para criptografia: '. $Ss1.$Ss2.$Ss3;

echo $senha . "<BR>";

$code_dR1 = 'Codigo para recuperar senha da criptografia: '.$micro_partes[0].$micro_partes[1].$micro_partes[2];
echo $code_dR1. "<BR>";

//$senha_CR1 = $Ss1.$Ss2.$Ss3.$micro_partes[0].$micro_partes[1].$micro_partes[2];

//echo $senha_CR1 . "<BR>";

//echo strlen($senha_CR1). "<BR>";

//echo substr($senha_CR1, 18, 14);

//$teste = var_dump( $matches );
//$ids = explode("-",  teste);

//Class geradora de probabilidades de sequencias
class CB {

* 'private' var __loop:String            Used to create code for evaluation
* 'private' var __returnedValue:String        Used to create code inside __loop
* 'private' var __limit:Integer            Number of Elements Array keys
* 'private' var __matches:String        Array with dedicated combinations
* 'private' var __sep:String            Combinations separator
* 'private' var __delsep:Boolean        delete Combinations separator
* 'private' var __C:Array            Used to check variables to exclude
var $__loop;
var $__returnedValue;
var $__limit;
var $__matches;
var $__sep;
var $__delsep;
var $__C;

* 'public' constructor
*     Assigns separator if there is one
*        new Combinatory( [ $separator:String ] )
* @param    String        A separator that will divide found matches
function Combinatory( $__sep = '' ) {
if( $__sep == '' ) {
$this->__sep = md5( microtime() );
$this->__delsep = true;
else {
$this->__sep = &$__sep;
$this->__delsep = false;

* 'public' method
*     Resets and assigns internal variables then switch $type and returns
*    dedicated type method.
*    If type mismatch switch returns an Array with only one key and with error as value.
*        Combinatory->result( $container:Array, $match:Integer, $type:String ):Array
* @param    Array        Elements container ( in Math, numbers of elements for n )
* @param    Integer        Possibilities for elements in container ( in Math, the class as k )
* @param    String        What type of matches do you need.
*                Options: Pn - Pn(k) - Dn,k - D'n,k - Cn,k - C'n,k
* @return    Array        An array class $match with all matches possibilities
function result( $container, $match, $type ) {
$this->__loop = '';
$this->__returnedValue = '';
$this->__limit = count( $container );
$this->__matches = Array();
$this->__C = Array();
if( $match < 2 || $this->__limit < $match ) {
return Array( 'This is not a good idea, please change elements or $match value .' );
switch( $type ) {
case 'Pn':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__combinatory_Pn( $container, $match ) );
case 'Pn(k)':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__combinatory_P1n( $container, $match ) );
case 'Dn,k':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__sort( $this->__combinatory_Pn( $container, $match ) ) );
case 'D\'n,k':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__sort( $this->__combinatory_P1n( $container, $match ) ) );
case 'Cn,k':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__combinatory_C( $container, $match, '__combinatory_Pn' ) );
case 'C\'n,k':
return $this->__checkReturn( $this->__combinatory_C( $container, $match, '__combinatory_P1n' ) );
return Array( '$type error: options are "Pn" or "Pn(k)" or "Dn,k" or "D\'n,k" or "Cn,k" or "C\'n,k" .' );

* 'private' method
*     Checks if separator was created automatically then remove it if necessary.
*        Combinatory->__checkReturn( &$container:Array ):Array
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @return    Array        Array with or without separator ( if was created automatically )
function __checkReturn( $container ) {
if( $this->__delsep === true ) {
return str_replace( $this->__sep, '', $container );
else {
return $container;

* 'private' method
*     Calls private __commonEvaluation method and returns private __codeCreator method
*        Combinatory->__combinatory_P1n( &$match:Integer, &$container:Array ):Array
* @param    Integer        Possibilities for elements in container
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @return    Array        Array created from private __codeCreator method
function __combinatory_P1n( &$container, $match ) {
$this->__commonEvaluation( $match );
return $this->__codeCreator( $container );

* 'private' method
*    Creates if statement inside evaluation to filter matches, then calls private
*     __commonEvaluation method with if statement and returns private __codeCreator method
*        Combinatory->__combinatory_Pn( &$match:Integer, &$container:Array ):Array
* @param    Integer        Possibilities for elements in container
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @return    Array        Array created from private __codeCreator method
function __combinatory_Pn( &$container, &$match ) {
$__possibilities = 'if( ';
for( $a = 1; $a < $match; $a++ ) {
for( $b = ($match-1); $b >= 0; $b-- ) {
if( $a !== $b ) {
$__possibilities .= '$_'.$a.' !== $_'.$b.' && ';
$__possibilities = substr( $__possibilities, 0, -3 );
$this->__commonEvaluation( $match, $__possibilities.') { ', ' }' );
return $this->__codeCreator( $container );

* 'private' method
*    Evaluates right method to call and assigns them to a conventional array that
*    will be filtered inside a for statement that checks if values is just used or not.
*    Then returns parsed and filtered Array.
*        Combinatory->__combinatory_C( &$match:Integer, &$container:Array, $method:String ):Array
* @param    Integer        Possibilities for elements in container
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @param    String        Type of private method to use. Options: __combinatory_Pn / __combinatory_P1n
* @return    Array        Array created from private __codeCreator method and parsed from this method
function __combinatory_C( &$container, &$match, $method ) {
eval( '$cAr = $this->'.$method.'( $container, $match );' );
$nAr = Array();
for( $a = 0, $b = count( $cAr ); $a < $b; $a++ ) {
$fAr = $this->__sort( $fAr = explode( $this->__sep, $cAr[$a] ) );
if( in_Array( $fAr, $this->__C ) == false ) {
array_push( $this->__C, $fAr );
array_push( $nAr, $cAr[$a] );
return $nAr;

* 'private' method
*     Evaluates code created from other method and returns an Array with
*    all elements found.
*        Combinatory->__codeCreator( &$container:Array ):Array
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @return    Array        A new array with all combinatory matches for elements in container
function __codeCreator( &$container ) {
eval( $this->__loop );
return $this->__matches;

* 'private' method
*     Loops over matches to create a multi-for statement String to evaluate
*    with private __codeCreator method.
*        Combinatory->__commonEvaluation( &$match:Integer [, $pre:String [, $post:String ] ] ):Void
* @param    Integer        Possibilities for elements in container
* @param    String        DEFAULT: '' - other vars check to add inside loop if needed
* @param    String        DEFAULT: '' - end of other vars check inside loop if added
* @return    Void
function __commonEvaluation( &$match, $pre = '', $post = '' ) {
for( $a = 0; $a < $match; $a++ ) {
$this->__loop .= 'for( $_'.$a.' = 0; $_'.$a.' < '.$this->__limit.'; $_'.$a.'++ ) { ';
$this->__returnedValue .= '$container[$_'.$a.'].\''.$this->__sep.'\'.';
$rm = -( strlen( $this->__sep ) + 4 );
$this->__loop .= $pre.'array_push( $this->__matches, '.substr( $this->__returnedValue, 0, $rm ).' );'.$post;
for( $a = 0; $a < $match; $a++ ) {
$this->__loop .= ' }';

* 'private' method
*    Sort array and returns them.
*        Combinatory->__sort( &$container:Array ):Array
* @param    Array        Elements container
* @return    Array        Elements container sorted
function __sort( $container ) {
sort( $container );
reset( $container );
return $container;