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ODF Officially Approved as Malaysian Standard, Brazil Offers Massive Endorsement Too

16 de Julho de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Notícia sobre o FISL 10 e ODF na Malásia:

por  Roy Schestowitz

Brazil's ODF cap on Lula

Summary: Latest raves and wins for ODF at the government level

Yoon Kit proudly announces that according to MAMPU, “There are nearly 300 agencies using ODF already - and a detailed study will be conduct to roll out further.” Also he adds: “Glad to say after all the work, ODF has been approved by the minister as a Malaysian Standard!” John Drinkwater points it out too.

Malaysia is not the only country where such positive transformation is occurring despite sheer abuse from Microsoft (and possibly violations of the Malaysian law). Here is a wonderful report from Brazil (also in Portuguese):

After the speech, when I left the room where the President spoke, I was very happy to see the joy of Furusho, because he gave an ODF cap to Lula and the crown took some photos of Lula with the cap. This is the kind of stuff that made Furusho’s work to be recognized by the ODF Alliance with the ODF Awards (and detail: it was Furusho’s initiative to produce the ODF shirts and caps and endure into the crowd to deliver them to President Lula. I really admire this crazy Nipo-Brazillian folk :) ).

* fonte: Boycottnovell

Tags deste artigo: malásia lula furusho odf elaine

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