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GNOME Video Effects library

28 de Dezembro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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I blogged about adding properties to GNOME Video Effects before. The discussion about the format is still going on, but meanwhile I started working on a library to parse the new format (I will adapt it when the format is defined).

Until now, GNOME Video Effects didn’t have a parser, because the format was very simple and small and every application could parse it itself. Now that we are adding properties to it, I think it will make sense to have a parsing library inside of GNOME Video Effects that applications can use. You can check what I have developed until now in

In its current state, the library basically parses the .effect file and stores its properties as pspecs in a hash table. It creates the actual effect (a GStreamer Element to be used in the application pipeline) only when requested and after that you can set its properties as you wish. Besides improving and fixing what is done, I still need to add a way to get the information that was parsed which can be used, for instance, to show it in a UI.

I also added a bug about adding the library to GNOME Video Effects.


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