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Software livre Brasil

 Voltar a Eu, Fujii
Tela cheia

GNOME Outreach Program update

10 de Janeiro de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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When I think we are getting closer to define a format for configurable properties in GNOME Video Effects, someone thinks of something else to change. This is actually good, I think every little change that was done is for the best, but it’s a very slow process and it’s not very good to work on a library of a changing format.

It was great to start the library to learn more about how it would be parsed, but there are some small differences in the format that might change the library a lot. One of those is detecting the type of a property automatically from the GStreamer element, since right now we have properties in GNOME Video Effects that always map to one unique property in one GStreamer element. To do that I will probably create a GstBin from the description of the effect, get the element, its class and the property type. At least it seems the most simple way of doing it for me. Always creating the GstBin will also help me get the default of every property.

I also made improvements not related to changing the format in the library, most of them thanks to Younness‘ comments.

I also decided to work on Cheese a little. I rebuilt everything again to see if some upgrades would fix a bug that I have. I can’t see the preview in Cheese, it is a black screen or a red screen if I apply some specific effects. I can see the effects preview, though. I tried somethings, including using a workaround I had done for a similar problem, but it doesn’t work anymore. This is probably not a bug in Cheese itself and no one else seems to have it. Maybe I’ll just try to use it this way for now. I also started debugging Cheese Widget since the test stopped working for me. This one I will continue to work on, since I want Cheese to use Cheese Widget again.


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