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7 a 10 de Maio de 2014
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS | Porto Alegre | Brasil




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februaro 26, 2014 19:51 , by Bruno Buys - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 975 times
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The International Free Software forum celebrates 15 years!

It's a 15-years history, and in this road to growth and learning, the International Free Software Forum always proposed the more pressing debates about technology and freedom. Our success is a result of work from thousands of people who believe in free technological and educational solutions, in knowledge as a public good, and in the strength of information technologies as tools for democratic empowerment.

Therefore, we fight since the first edition for transparency in technology, be it in the codes, in the open standards or in the struggle for a free and neutral Internet. And, though it is not a novelty in our agendas, this year subject will be Security and Privacy: Free Software in the struggle against Espionage.

Porto Alegre will be once more the stage of the largest Free Software communities meeting in the world, not only the public but also the makers of our great event, with their ideas and atitude, share their knowledge and innovations for a common goal: the belief that through knowledge we'll grow as a more just humanity.

FISL isn't made only by the organizing Committee and their consultants. It is made by the hundreds of speakers who offer to build upon their knowledge, and invest their own resources to come from the more distant places in Brazil and abroad.

It is made by hundreds of volunteers who offer their intelligence and work capacity to collaborate in producion, communication, logistics and even in advocating the event and the Free Software basic ideas.

And it is made by dozens of civil organizations, government and private who believe that Free Software can ideed change the world. It is changing already!

In these 15 years, FISL thanks each one who donated a little - or much! - to build this history. And invites all to celebrate with us in Porto Alegre, in May, 7 to 10, 2014.

It will be our honor to have you in our party! ;)

This article's tags: fisl 15 years history celebration

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