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7 a 10 de Maio de 2014
Centro de Eventos da PUCRS | Porto Alegre | Brasil




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CryptoParty coming to FISL15

Maggio 4, 2014 22:51 , by Bruno Buys - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 399 times
Licensed under CC (by)

Always looking to innovate in its activities, FISL15 organizing committee brings to this years' programme CryptoParty, in a partnership with various activists working in behalf of information privacy.

Get to know a little more about CryptoParty and check out the days, time and rooms in which the activities will happen.


CryptoParty is a global and decentralized action which aims at disclosing the fundamental concepts and basic softwares for criptography like OpenPGP and OTR.

CryptoParty Salvador

The first CryptoParty in Brazil was CryptoParty Salvador which happened in November, 13, 2013, and was organized by Raul Hacker Club and Tabuleiro Digital.

CryptoParty Brasil

The first CryptoParty Brasil happened in November, 30, 2013 in São Paulo and had many activities such as speeches, tutorials,install fest and discussions about the subject. Participants could carry their own devices such as computers and mobiles to participate in the party.

EncontrãoHacker + CrypoParty

The EncontrãoHacker was part of the programme of the event Conexões Globais (Global Connections) that happened in Porto Alegre, January, 24 and 25, 2014. Among the activities, the 24th was dedicated to the CryptoParty, with tips about how to protect our computer and communications.


In April, 11 and 12, 2014, at the Centro Cultural de São Paulo, during 24 hours, the CryptoRave gathered more than 30 activities about security, criptography, hacking, anonimity, privacy and network freedom.


See below some digital activists groups.

Programming of the speeches and workshops


CryptoPary Brasil Videos

This article's tags: cryptorave cryptoparty privacy network freedom anonimity hacking criptography security

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