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FISL 14 - Ao vivo





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fisl14 to sign an agreement with Porto Alegre City Hall

June 28, 2013 0:00 , by Bruno Buys - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 1073 times
June, 24 - The local City Hall has signed a cooperation agreement to make sure fisl14 will be carried out. The mayor Sebastião Melo participated in the ceremony together with Associação Software Livre (ASL) General Coordinator Ricardo Fritsch and Institutional Relations Director José Antonio Dias Tavares. The move is an initiative from the local government (Inovapoa), Procempa, the State data processing company and politics and governance local authorities.
Inovapoa's Secretary Deborah Pilla Villela stressed the active participation from many other government stances, and the transversal nature of fisl14, which provides knowledge for different audiences and sectors of society. With permanent participation in the event's Organizing Committee, the executive power intends - together with ASL - to gather both national and international communties interested in development of participative democracy and in using Free Software and open source codes for sharing experiences and knowledge.
The Department of Innovation and Technology (Inovapoa) is in charge of the event in behalf of the local executive power, which bears an permanent seat in hte Organizing Committee, in a joint action with the local Departments of Education (Smed), Human Rights (SMDH), Local Governance (SMGL), Tourism (SMTUR), Culture (SMC) and EPTC.

This article's tags: asl inovapoa procempa politics city hall fisl14