"NTP Challenge" will draw exclusive prizes to the Forum's participants
The Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR (Coordination and Information Authority of the Brazilian TLD - NIC.br) will promote the cultural contest “NTP Challenge”. The NTP.br is the free service that provides the official Brazilian time to devices across the network. It is offered in a joint effort from the NIC.br and the National Observatory (ON).
IN order to participate, the candidate must configure NTP in his/her computer and tweet a phrase with the hashtag #ntpbr and #fisl13, talking about the importance of NTP.
The winner will be awarded a Motorola Xoom tablet and from the second to the 11th positions will be awarded a wrist clock from NTP.br.
More information can be obtained in the website http://ntp.br/desafio.