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29 JUN / 02 JUL 2011
Centro de Eventos PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil
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Campus Party to promote Barcamp at fisl12

junio 25, 2011 0:00 , by Software Livre Brasil - 3737 comments | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 6862 times

Campus Party brings to the 12th International Free Software Forum - fisl a new format of experience sharing, conceptual discussion and presentations: the Barcamp. The aim for this new happening is to not have a list of speakers or a closed programme, but only ideas and the will to colaborate. Barcamp at fisl will happen at the Campus Party stand, at the Free Business and Solutions Show, everyday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Barcamp is traditional in Campus Party at São Paulo, it appeared in the United States in 2005 and propagated quickly through the network as a different means to set up discussions groups around the world. "The idea is to bring a little of Campus Party to fisl and this is an activity that has everything to do with the free software community. Barcamp has an open, free and colaborative proposal", stresses Daniela Costa, marketing director at Futura Networks Brasil, the company behind Campus Party.

Community Meeting
Besides the Barcamp, the Community Meeting in the Area of Free Software in Campus Party will also happen, organized by its advisor Pablo Lorenzzoni, who is also an associate at Associação Software Livre.org. The activity will happen in July, 1st, at building 40, room 714. "We want to hear the opinion of the Campus attendees and build together, colaboratively, the programme in the area. For that, there's nothing better than setting up a meeting in the largest free software community forum in Latin America", says Daniela.

The Campus attendees will be able to share, vote and suggest speakers and content proposals (speeches, conferences, competitions, etc) that they would like to see at Campus Party. This will be done using the CSI (Content Search Investigation). To participate, just get registered as a Campus attendee in the website www.campus-party.com.br and access the user form. CSI's platform is one of the tools used by Futura Networks and is based in Pligg - an open CMS for creation of social networks with a content management system.

This article's tags: campus party barcamp fisl fisl12


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