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29 JUN / 02 JUL 2011
Centro de Eventos PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil
Agende-se para o fisl13! De 25 a 28/07/2012

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Users Group

March 18, 2011 0:00 , by Software Livre Brasil - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 6315 times


The search for Users Groups interested in participating in fisl this year was intense and the available 40 positions were fulfilled a few weeks before the event.

Have a look at the User Groups confirmed for fisl12.

Each year, fisl sets aside a special area for users groups. Our aim is to offer a place for groups to demonstrate their work, exchange experiences and grow together.

What is a User Group?
The UG (User Groups) are very important to motivate the exchange of experiences, share information through cooperation developed by its members. Because of that the UGs play an important role of knowledge


Activities of Users Groups range from meetings to discuss and share information; list discussions, through e-mail and forums; and via web, through the website, which is a point reference and contains updated info.

Evaluation Criteria
The UG must have four (4) representatives at fisl; be available and responsible for their slot during the four days of the event; contribute to the community; have a web site and a mailing list with information about the UG.

Would you like to comment, suggest or clear doubts? Please write to gufisl12@softwarelivre.org.

Check out participations of Users Groups in previous events:

Groups that participanted in 2010, fisl11, click here! (portuguese only, sorry)
Groups that participanted in 2009, fisl10, click here! (portuguese only, sorry)