How nice was to be one more time at FISL. It was my 5th edition and it could have been the 6th, if I haven’t had missed the 2010 one. I remember well when back there, 5 years ago, I and a friend of mine took a bus and went to Porto Alegre for our first contact with the Free Software community. At that time I wasn’t involved to any FOSS effort, but that was definitely a starter point to me.
FISL is all about meeting people, opportunities and making friends. You can find practically any kind of geek over there and for the major part of those, you will just be able to meet them in person again in the next FISL.
This year I have met a bunch of ‘old’ FISL guys, people that I have been in touch since FISL 6 and some other new guys. Great people. From those, I couldn’t not mention the Fedora guys. This year we had the current Fedora Project leader, Jared Smith, among us and it was really cool to meet him in person.
I’m really glad that I was able to make it this year. We had a presentation about Transifex in the main schedule and also got mentioned in the speakers list of the event. Hopefully the video of the presentation (in pt_BR) will be available in the following weeks, but you can find the slides here for now.
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