Original: http://www.cicero.st/?p=138
Software/ platform studies
Software is the engine that drives cyberculture, new media, and digital art – a layer of control and communication that permeates contemporary culture. Platforms are the hardware and software relationships that enable and constrain software expressions. To investigate the logics of visualization, simulation, and representation in contemporary digital arts and culture is to engage in Software Studies and Platform Studies. The DAC09 Software and Platform Studies Theme invites submissions that explore digital art and culture through source codes, platform architectures, or similar engagements. Papers and panels exploring the emerging paradigms of critical code studies and the interpretation of algorithms are particularly encouraged.
Theme Leaders:
Jeremy Douglass, PhD. Researcher in Software Studies at UCSD.
Noah Wardrip-Fruin,Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Software Studies in action: Open Source and Free Software in Brazil
Cicero Silva
Software Studies Brazil
Jane de Almeida
Graduate Studies in Education, Art and History of Culture (MFA and Ph.D.), Mackenzie University
Starts: Saturday, Dec 12 2009 (evening)
Ends: Tuesday, Dec 15 2009
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