A proposta do Mega Não, é ser um meta manifesto, um agregador de informações e de diversas manifestações na Internet e fora dela, com o objetivo de combater o vigilantismo. Diversos núcleos ciberativistas estão surgindo e aumentando o discursso e a pressão popular contra o vigilantismo, tentat agregar, fomentar e ajudar a divulgar estes eventos é a nossa proposta, nos informe de seus movimentos, vamos juntar forças!!!
World Day Against Cyber Censorship – Some notes
11 de Março de 2010, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaAmid the wave of censorship and attempts to censor the Internet and our web freedom – we can mention briefly the Azeredo law or AI-5 Digital (# AI5digital) in Brazil, HADOPI in France, open censorship in China, Saudi Arabia and Iran – nothing more consistent than the promotion of a day to protest against these initiatives and preach the exact opposite, web freedom, our freedom of not being censored or restricted in our access to information.
In this spirit, the organization Reporters Without Borders promotes today the World Day Against Cyber Censorship, an initiative with a global reach and that should be widely disseminated by all. It is the ideal opportunity to resume the discussions, in Brazil, over the Azeredo Law and also the other projects that aim to create barriers to free access.
At this point I am not speaking only of explicit censorship, but also about issues related to monopoly, the quality (or lack thereof) of services and projects that prevent an Internet of quality and for all.
In Brazil, for example, not only we live in the shadow of censorship or we’re just victims of illegal searches of our data and of the DRM’s, but we also pay a high price to navigate – in every sense. Poor quality of Internet services, limited scope, exorbitant prices … All this can be puttted together as a form of capital to censor on our freedom to navigate, to let us inform ourselves.
It fits in this date, also, in the Brazilian case, to defend a national program that delivers free broadband access to with decent prices for the entire population. A state program that encourages healthy competition between companies in the sector and curb the abuses which we are already accustomed.
The World Day Against Cyber Censorship should mark the beginning of a joint struggle, worldwide, without borders and solidarity. We can no longer tolerate states to the block citizens’ access, that they restrain the discussion and the exchange of ideas in the 21st century. States – with good reason – fear the power of the internet, but cannot, under any circumstances, censor it. That we fight fire with fire, information with information, action with more actions and never with the old attitude of the stubborn boy owner of the ball.
It seems a silly comparison, but it has validity. The censor state is the one who dictates the rules, which do not accept losing, which only allows access to its friends and yet, under strict conditions. When get’s tired or no longer suits them, they block, censor, expell, kill. But censorship is not limited to the state: companies that employ mechanisms to verify data without permission from the user or to use and promote anti-copying technologies (DRM) also contribute to the censorship to prevent the sharing of knowledge and free access to information .
For these and other initiatives such as the debate on the Civil Mark of the Internet, the Mega Não (# Meganao – Big No) and the Forum of Digital Culture should always be reminded, encouraged and disseminated. Above all, the popular pressure must be constant. More than once we have shown that we have power.
The Internet is the tool most feared today by the elites, the media and by the power. It empowers those who otherwise would remain forgotten, oppressed. It is a weapon that gives ammo to those who are protesting for justice, equality and freedom and that shakes the structures of the state – and of companies – which sees no other choice but to censor.
And censorship, I recall, comes in several ways, takes several forms. Not only as a filter, but also is the limited bandwidth, lack of infrastructure, the need of registering to access certain websites or even to access at all the web, for policing, collusion with the software with DRM and so on.
Any way found by the state and business to make it difficult for users to access the web is a form of censorship. And it must be fought in tough.
To not only combat but also to publicize the fighting against censorship is that this particular day in defense of freedom of en on the web demonstrates its relevance.
The struggle for web freedom should be broad, unrestricted, must be brought to all corners of the world. Cyber activists from all corners must unite to combat the intransigent attitude of governments and companies, no matter where and by what borders. Minority groups cannot be patrolled, democrats and freedom fighters cannot be compromised in their right to inform and share, ordinary users may not have checked his steps and followed by any instrument or organization.
Finally, the fight for freedom is a struggle.
Join us!
World Day Against Cyber Censorship – Some notes
11 de Março de 2010, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaAmid the wave of censorship and attempts to censor the Internet and our web freedom – we can mention briefly the Azeredo law or AI-5 Digital (# AI5digital) in Brazil, HADOPI in France, open censorship in China, Saudi Arabia and Iran – nothing more consistent than the promotion of a day to protest against these initiatives and preach the exact opposite, web freedom, our freedom of not being censored or restricted in our access to information.
In this spirit, the organization Reporters Without Borders promotes today the World Day Against Cyber Censorship, an initiative with a global reach and that should be widely disseminated by all. It is the ideal opportunity to resume the discussions, in Brazil, over the Azeredo Law and also the other projects that aim to create barriers to free access.
At this point I am not speaking only of explicit censorship, but also about issues related to monopoly, the quality (or lack thereof) of services and projects that prevent an Internet of quality and for all.
In Brazil, for example, not only we live in the shadow of censorship or we’re just victims of illegal searches of our data and of the DRM’s, but we also pay a high price to navigate – in every sense. Poor quality of Internet services, limited scope, exorbitant prices … All this can be puttted together as a form of capital to censor on our freedom to navigate, to let us inform ourselves.
It fits in this date, also, in the Brazilian case, to defend a national program that delivers free broadband access to with decent prices for the entire population. A state program that encourages healthy competition between companies in the sector and curb the abuses which we are already accustomed.
The World Day Against Cyber Censorship should mark the beginning of a joint struggle, worldwide, without borders and solidarity. We can no longer tolerate states to the block citizens’ access, that they restrain the discussion and the exchange of ideas in the 21st century. States – with good reason – fear the power of the internet, but cannot, under any circumstances, censor it. That we fight fire with fire, information with information, action with more actions and never with the old attitude of the stubborn boy owner of the ball.
It seems a silly comparison, but it has validity. The censor state is the one who dictates the rules, which do not accept losing, which only allows access to its friends and yet, under strict conditions. When get’s tired or no longer suits them, they block, censor, expell, kill. But censorship is not limited to the state: companies that employ mechanisms to verify data without permission from the user or to use and promote anti-copying technologies (DRM) also contribute to the censorship to prevent the sharing of knowledge and free access to information .
For these and other initiatives such as the debate on the Civil Mark of the Internet, the Mega Não (# Meganao – Big No) and the Forum of Digital Culture should always be reminded, encouraged and disseminated. Above all, the popular pressure must be constant. More than once we have shown that we have power.
The Internet is the tool most feared today by the elites, the media and by the power. It empowers those who otherwise would remain forgotten, oppressed. It is a weapon that gives ammo to those who are protesting for justice, equality and freedom and that shakes the structures of the state – and of companies – which sees no other choice but to censor.
And censorship, I recall, comes in several ways, takes several forms. Not only as a filter, but also is the limited bandwidth, lack of infrastructure, the need of registering to access certain websites or even to access at all the web, for policing, collusion with the software with DRM and so on.
Any way found by the state and business to make it difficult for users to access the web is a form of censorship. And it must be fought in tough.
To not only combat but also to publicize the fighting against censorship is that this particular day in defense of freedom of en on the web demonstrates its relevance.
The struggle for web freedom should be broad, unrestricted, must be brought to all corners of the world. Cyber activists from all corners must unite to combat the intransigent attitude of governments and companies, no matter where and by what borders. Minority groups cannot be patrolled, democrats and freedom fighters cannot be compromised in their right to inform and share, ordinary users may not have checked his steps and followed by any instrument or organization.
Finally, the fight for freedom is a struggle.
Join us!
12 de março – Dia mundial contra a cyber censura
9 de Março de 2010, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaUma iniciativa dos Reporters sem Fronteiras, este próximo dia 12 de março será considerado o dia mundial contra a cyber censura, veja a convocação completa:
Reporters sem Fronteiras comemorará o dia contra a cyber censura em 12 de março. Este evento pretende envolver a todos para prover uma internet simples, irrestrita e acessível para todos. Isto significa chamar a atenção para o fato de que criando novos espaços oara compartilhar ideias e informações, a Internet é a força para a liberdade. Entretando cada vez mais os governos tomam consciencia disto e reagem tentando controlar a Internet.
Reporters sem Fronteiras irá marcar a ocasião publicando a lista mais recente de “Inimigos da Internet.” Esta lista aponta seus dedos para paises como o Irã, China, Arabia Saudita, Vietnam e Tunisia que restringem o acesso online para seus cidadãos. A lista dos paises que foram colacos “sobre vigilância” por mostrarem atitudes que pertubam a liberdade na Internet também será anunciada.
Veja mais na convocação oficial.
12 de março – Dia mundial contra a cyber censura
9 de Março de 2010, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaUma iniciativa dos Reporters sem Fronteiras, este próximo dia 12 de março será considerado o dia mundial contra a cyber censura, veja a convocação completa:
Reporters sem Fronteiras comemorará o dia contra a cyber censura em 12 de março. Este evento pretende envolver a todos para prover uma internet simples, irrestrita e acessível para todos. Isto significa chamar a atenção para o fato de que criando novos espaços oara compartilhar ideias e informações, a Internet é a força para a liberdade. Entretando cada vez mais os governos tomam consciencia disto e reagem tentando controlar a Internet.
Reporters sem Fronteiras irá marcar a ocasião publicando a lista mais recente de “Inimigos da Internet.” Esta lista aponta seus dedos para paises como o Irã, China, Arabia Saudita, Vietnam e Tunisia que restringem o acesso online para seus cidadãos. A lista dos paises que foram colacos “sobre vigilância” por mostrarem atitudes que pertubam a liberdade na Internet também será anunciada.
Veja mais na convocação oficial.
1º SarauFesta MPB – Mega Twittagem e #MegaNao ao monopólio do ECAD
18 de Dezembro de 2009, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaDo Blog do Música para Baixar
A primeira festa Música Para Baixar já tem data, horário e local definido, acontecerá em São Paulo, no dia 18 de dezembro.
A noite promete ser uma sucessão de vários acontecimentos. Iniciará com o primeiro sarau do Música Para Baixar, envolvendo pessoas de diferentes áreas com objetivo de compartilharem ideias e conhecimentos, assim como já acontece no movimento Música Para Baixar.
O sarau reunirá diferentes sujeitos da música livre, do RAP, do software livre, do circo, da comunicação comunitária, defensoras(es) do meio ambiente, da poesia, mas que possuem ideias e objetivos semelhantes. Queremos misturar tudo e ver o que podemos criar.
Já são presenças confirmadas as(os) artistas: Wesley Nóog da Cooperifa, Lis Rodrigues do clube Caiubi, Fernando Anitelli do Teatro Mágico, Sergio Vaz da Cooperifa , Gaspar do Z’África Brasil, Gabbi Veiga do Teatro Mágico, Eduardo Maçan Desenvolvedor Debian e as(os) ativistas Renata Moreno da Fuzarca Feminista, Sérgio Amadeu do software livre, Bruno Souza da comunidade SouJava, André Amaral do Greenpeace.
Após o sarau, a noite continuará com a balada do MPB que garante inúmeras surpresas. A festa já conta com VJ pixel e equipe, que irão “tocar imagens” utilizando softwares livres durante os shows. pixel já se apresentou com artistas/bandas como Gilberto Gil e Mombojó em diversos estados do Brasil, e em eventos na Índia e EUA.
Também já confirmamos o músico Juca Culatra de Belém do Pará com sua musicalidade de múltiplas influências, da música erudita com vocais “beneditinos” às misturas com ritmos negros e psicodelia.
Estará disponível na festa uma infra-estrutura de computadores para que, ao mesmo tempo em que se diverte, o público presente possa copiar músicas livres. Portanto leve sua mídia com músicas para compartilhar. A produção da festa disponibilizará as músicas para cópia. Outra atividade que faremos é uma Mega twittagem defendendo a Música Livre, um Mega Sim conectando milhares de twiteiros pelo mundo.
A primeira festa do MPB terá também sinal aberto de internet para todos e transmissão ao vivo. Dessa forma, podemos socializar os momentos da festa e promover canais de comunicação e interatividade, entre quem está na festa e quem não está.Com certeza sera uma noite das mais interessantes, participar será sinônimo de diversão, ao mesmo tempo em que se colabora com o movimento Música Para Baixar.
Data: 18 de dezembro
Horário da Sarau: 19h
Horário da balada: 23h
Local: Centro Cultural Consolação – Rua da Consolação, 1897 – São Paulo -11 2592-3317
Ingressos: R$ 20,00
Detalhes: musicaparabaixar.org.br / mpbmovimento@gmail.com
Pontos de VENDA
Pagamento somente em dinheiro – Única Peça – das 15h às 19h (Como chegar: http://www.unicapeca.com/contact.html)
Rua Domingos de Moraes, 348 sala 21 – Térreo
Vila Mariana
São Paulo
11 23093960