Noosfero is a web platform for social networks and solidarity economy in internet that integrates tools like blog, portfolio online, CMS for websites, RSS, forum, chats, events and sharing of ideas on the same system!
Furthermore, Noosfero is a free software project developed by Colivre with the assistance of a community of developers that certify the prodution of new versions every month. Below we introduce the news from the 0.38.0 version - named "Enáuenês-nauês", a tribute for the great indian brazilian community.
If you want to know more about us access the website www.noosfero.org or join the group !noosfero on Identi.ca.
News for users
>> New Wall!!
Noosfero's Wall was rebuilt to be more dinamic and interactive!
The first biggest modification is the menu “Wall” and “Activities” from people and communities, now, it's all together in “Wall”! Furthermore, you can interact with all your friends through the menu “Network”
When you join some community, make a new personal blog, add some friend, etc; your network friends could post comments about it directly on your Wall.
Comments – that allowed allowed only on articles, posts, photos and events before – can now be done directly on the wall of each user too!
If you cloned your blog by feed rss from another external blog, the updates will appear on the wall too.
Besides, when you update one picture only, it appears with more notability on your wall! :)
>> New Search System!
Yes, Noosfero now has a new search mechanism that follows the best model of international searches! For more technical information access AI 1958.
Specially the search for products has a big change: a new form of results visualization that uses filters and marks to make this process easier.
Wanna see a pratical application? Check the Products Search of Cirandas.net .
For this big progress, we would like to thanks Rafael Messias and Braulio Bhavamitra for their beautiful contribuition! :)
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