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ZAVATEC launches free software Cash Flow

15 de Março de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The brazilian company ZAVATEC  launched a free software to control cash flow. This is the system "Cash Flow", which has versions in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Developed with free software, the system allows control of payments and receipts through the Internet.

According to the company owner, Claudimir Zavalik, "Cash Flow performs control spending via the Internet in a simple and fast, generating reports and graphs for monitoring movement. It is an easy to use tool which can be used and customized in different types of organizations that need some kind of financial control. "

The system is for demo and download on the company website:

Tags deste artigo: free software financial cashflow

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