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YaCy: a distributed and free P2P web search engine for the freedom of the Internet!!

15 de Fevereiro de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Today I've installed YaCy and it's amazing, works fine! See some details about it philosophy (I loved it!).



The information society of the 21st century is based on free access to all public information. This means that access to information should be transparent, accountable and accessible for everyone.
We want YaCy to enable this free access to information effectively and realistically!

The major search engines of the global corporations are closed systems. Their search technology is not transparent and comprehensible. We go a different way: YaCy is open-source, free software and is completely transparent: everyone can see how information is obtained for the search engine and displayed to the user.

Between free information and the user, a vital link is missing: free search

There is a lot of free content on the Internet, such as Wikipedia, free music, data under Creative Commons licenses and documents of the Open Access movement. This free content should not only by discoverable using proprietary search engines in an increasingly monopolistic Internet infrastructure because then the monopoly holders decide what information is visible:

In a monopolistic Internet infrastructure, there is a missing link in the chain from producers of free content to the user:
Free information can only be truly free if it can be found with free software. YaCy is the missing link between free content and the search-engine independent user!

Only a decentralized search engine technology can ensure free access to knowledge

The Internet and World Wide Web should provide for its original philosophy of an all-to-all infrastructure and build not only transmitter-receiver connections. Each consumer of content on the Web should have the same opportunity to produce content as to consume it.

Today search engines link decentralized services and content, but because of their centralized structure, they have become the "gatekeepers" of the Web. Our goal is to help producers and users of information on the Web operate independently of the centralized search technique:

YaCy can make all content available to all Internet users - without introducing another monopoly! It is not necessary that every user of the Web operate a YaCy peer, only one installation per 1000 users would probably be sufficient to completely replace centralized search portals.

The advantages of decentralized YaCy-search technique in brief


  • Civil rights and privacy
    • Censorship is almost impossible.
    • A central evaluation and monitoring of search queries is impossible.
    • Data tracks can not be evaluated. In addition to the data protection and privacy situation, this is an economic factor in terms of industrial espionage.
  • Ecologically
    • The operation of data centers with enormous power consumption (and sometimes their own power plants) for central web search could be removed. Distributed search requires only the computers of the searchers.
  • Sociologically
    • All seekers have the same rights, such as when adding new content.
    • The distributed search corresponds to the Wiki / Join-principle, which has proved itself already in Internet standing.
    • The content of the search engine will be determined by the users, not by commercial aspects of the Web portal operator.
    • Individualization of Relevance: everyone can assess the quality and importance of web pages by their own rules and adjust to their personal relevance as a ranking method (both popular and scientific).




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